Kristine Slentz, Ph.D.
Dr. Slentz began her career in early intervention and early childhood special education with home visiting and classroom teaching with infants, toddlers, and preschoolers and progressed to directing a regional home-based early intervention program in Montana. For decades, she was involved in preservice preparation of early interventionists and early childhood special educators at University of Oregon and Western Washington University. She also provided technical assistance and program development for Part C in Washington. She is currently Professor Emeritus in the Department of Special Education at Western Washington University.
Dr. Slentz’s involvement with AEPS began with the earliest versions of the system and continues
today, including development, consultation, research, and training. Her particular areas of interest and
expertise are assessment and evaluation, infant development, early intervention, and working within
family contexts across cultures. She has been fortunate to combine her love of travel with international
training and consultation opportunities in Canada, United Arab Emirates, Singapore, and Kenya.