Revisiting Etiology, Diagnosis, Treatment, and Policy
Based on presentations from the 17th Extraordinary Brain Symposium, this book brings together 50 top contributors who share their invaluable perspectives, findings, solutions, and questions to shape future dyslexia research.
53626 978-1-68125-362-6
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How do children develop reading skills—and when these skills don't develop typically, how can we best identify challenges and intervene? Find the answers in this comprehensive volume on dyslexia: its root causes, the most effective methods of diagnosis and treatment, and the sociopolitical factors that affect intervention.

Based on presentations from the seventeenth Extraordinary Brain Symposium, this book brings together contributions from more than 50 top researchers and practitioners, who share their invaluable perspectives, findings, solutions, and questions to shape future dyslexia research. Readers will explore critical topics such as:

  • Early identification of children at risk for reading difficulty
  • The use of neuroimaging and molecular genetics to better understand the origins of dyslexia
  • The unique challenges to dyslexia assessment and intervention in developing countries
  • Important insights from computer-based simulations of developmental dyslexia
  • Innovative technology that can help teachers personalize reading instruction for diverse learners
  • The impact of race, poverty, and linguistic differences on the accurate diagnosis of dyslexia
  • Results of recent studies on specific interventions for struggling readers
  • The current state of teacher preparation programs and what improvements they need to make
  • Key considerations and best practices related to universal screening tools
  • How to scale up evidence-based interventions for reading disorders

An essential resource for researchers, graduate students, and reading specialists, this book is an authoritative synthesis of what we know about dyslexia—and what we need to know to provide better supports for struggling readers.

About the Editors
About the Contributors
The Dyslexia Foundation and the Extraordinary Brain Series Symposia

I Setting the Stage
1 An Overview and Introduction to the Volume
Julie A. Washington, Donald L. Compton, and Peggy McCardle
2 Investing in Our Future: Examining Programmatic Investments in Dyslexia Research
Brett Miller and Ruben P. Alvarez

II Basic Etiology and Learning Mechanisms
3 Imaging Genetics Approaches to the Study of Dyslexia: Promises and Challenges
Nicole Landi
4 Diagnosing Dyslexia: How Deep Should We Dig?
Peter F. de Jong
5 Early Identification of Children at Risk for Reading Difficulty: Neurobiology, Screening and Evidence-Based Response, and Educational Technology
Nadine Gaab, Ted K. Turesky, and Joseph Sanfilippo 6 Using Computational Techniques to Model and Better Understand Developmental Dyslexia
Jay G. Rueckl, Jason Zevin, and Henry Wolf VII
7 Orthographic Learning and Learning to Read: Implications for Developmental Dyslexia
Kate Nation and Matthew H. C. Mak Integrative Commentary 1 Bringing Together Multiple Methods and Measurements to Improve Our Understanding of Dyslexia
Elizabeth S. Norton

III Linguistic Differences and Reading
8 The Impact of Linguistic Distance on Dyslexia in Dialect Speakers: The Case of Arabic Diglossia
Elinor Saeigh-Haddad
9 Intersection of Race, Poverty, and Diagnostic Accuracy: Identifying Reading Disabilities in African American Children
Julie A. Washington and Ryan Lee-James
10 Personalizing Literacy Instruction for Diverse Learners and Children with Severe Literacy Difficulties
Carol McDonald Connor, Young-Suk Grace Kim, and Dandan Yang
Integrative Commentary 2 Language Matters to Reading Success and Linguistic Differences Deserve More Attention
Barbara R. Foorman

IV Identification and Treatment
11 Cognitive Approaches to the Identification of Children With Dyslexia
Anne Castles and Saskia Kohnen
12 Reading Comprehension Interventions for Individuals with Dyslexia in Grades 4–8
Kelly J. Williams, Philip Capin, Elizabeth A. Stevens, and Sharon Vaughn
13 Interventions to Improve the Literacy Skills of Children at Risk of Dyslexia
Robert Savage, George Georgiou, Rauno Parrila, Marie-France Côté, Kristina Maiorino, and Kristy Dunn
14 Dyslexia, Reading Fluency, and Intervention
Ludo Verhoeven and Eliane Segers
Integrative Commentary 3 On the Value of Theory-Driven Research on Dyslexia
Devin M. Kearns

V Research and Practice: Outreach, Scale-Up, and Policy
15 Screening for Dyslexia in Low-Resource and Multilingual Contexts
Jennae Bulat, Anne M. Hayes, Eileen Dombrowski, Margaret M. Dubeck, and Carmen Strigel
16 The Emperor’s New Clothes in the Preparation of Reading Teachers
R. Malatesha Joshi and Emily Binks-Cantrell
17 Scaling Up Evidence-Based Interventions for Reading Disorders: Bringing Research-Based Interventions to Community Practice in Diverse Settings
Maureen W. Lovett, Karen A. Steinbach, and Maria De Palma
18 Statistical Considerations for Creating, Evaluating, and Choosing Behavioral Screening Assessments
Yaacov Petscher, Christopher T. Stanley, Brian Gearin, and Hank Fien
19 Dyslexia Trifecta: Research, Education Policy, and Practice
Joan Mele-McCarthy
Integrative Commentary 4 Knowledge at the Intersection of Research and Practice
Nicole Patton Terry

VI Finale
20 Challenges and Future Directions
Donald L. Compton



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