Maryanne Wolf, Director,Center for Dyslexia, Diverse Learners, and Social Justice Professor, Graduate School of Education and Information Studies - July 26, 2019
There are many great overviews of current research and many excellent efforts to translate research on language and reading into practice. Rarely, however, are there books that manage to do both...This book is that rare entity.
Timothy Shanahan, Distinguished Professor Emeritus, University of Illinois at Chicago - July 16, 2019
Reveals the bleeding edge of what genetics, brain science, and psycholinguistics have to tell us about language and literacy development. I cant remember the last time I was so intellectually excited by a collection of scientific summaries.
Kathleen Winterman, Associate ProfessorDirector, School of EducationCollege of Professional SciencesXavier University - July 12, 2019
Takes a strengths-based approach toward meeting the needs of struggling students...The authors suggestions are rooted in advocacy for the childs future development.
Sharon Vaugh, Executive Director, The Meadows Center for Preventing Educational Risk Manuel J. Justiz Endowed Chair in EducationThe University of Texas at Austin - July 12, 2019
An extraordinary multidisciplinary perspective on language-related issues that impact typical and atypical reading essential volume for all scholars and practitioners who want to understand the language processes that underly dyslexia and other disorders.