: CHOICE magazine - August 1, 2013
"This reader-friendly book is packed with contributions from a Who's Who of highly respected early language and literacy researchers. This volume makes clear the imoprtance of supporting early language and literacy development with evidence-based strategies and opportunities, and it affirms the link between early language development and later success in reading and written language."
Nell Duke, Professor of Language, Literacy, and Culture, University of Michigan - July 26, 2012
"This book is notable for its currency, the range of topics represented, and the role it can play in shaping the research agenda in early literacy."
Andrea DeBruin-Parecki, Graduate Program Director, Early Childhood Education, Old Dominion University - July 23, 2012
"Further clarifies the results of the NELP report and expands on vital issues within it, consistently advocating for the importance of young children's early literacy development to future academic success."
Diane Haager, California State University Los Angeles - July 23, 2012
"This book has gathered the most important information about early literacy development into one easy-to-read book. It will be a valuable resource to researchers and other literacy professionals."
Lesley Morrow, Professor of Literacy, Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey - July 6, 2012
"A research-based extraordinarily important contribution to early literacy in this country . . . It should be read by all who are in the field of early childhood."