The Voice of Evidence in Reading Research
A masterful synthesis of information from leading experts in the field, this accessible resource helps school administrators, educators, and specialists answer complex questions about scientifically based reading research and make informed choices about teaching practices.
66727 978-1-55766-672-7
2004 528
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As education professionals work to incorporate scientific, evidence-based practices into reading instruction, one thing is clear: sound decisions depend on a solid understanding of what the research says. This book brings together all the information readers need in a single volume. A masterful synthesis of information from leading experts in the field, this accessible resource helps school administrators, educators, and specialists answer complex questions about scientifically based reading research and make informed choices about teaching practices. Readers will

  • learn how to read research literature, judge its value, apply it to practice, and recognize common myths about scientific research

  • review the essential findings of the National Reading Panel report on Teaching Children to Read and examine up-to-the-minute research information about phonics and phonemic awareness, fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension

  • find research-based explorations of practical classroom issues, such as preparing teachers to implement research findings, keeping students motivated, and helping students with reading disabilities

  • learn about current brain research and neuroimaging and its influence on reading

  • discover how reading research informs educational policy and get reliable information on current legislation

Required reading for all professionals whose work deals with reading instruction, this book gives readers the clear, detailed information they need about one of today's most critical topics in early education.

About the Editors
About the Contributors
Foreword, by Catherine E. Snow
A Tribute to G. Reid Lyon, by Robert H. Pasternack

I. Overview

  1. Contributions to Evidence-Based Research
    Vinita Chhabra and Peggy McCardle

  2. The Big Picture: Where We Are Nationally on the Reading Front and How We Got Here
    Robert W. Sweet, Jr.
II. Reading Research that Provides Evidence: The Methods

  1. Why Scientific Research? The Importance of Evidence in Changing Educational Practice
    Valerie F. Reyna

  2. Scientifically Based Educational Research: Questions, Designs, and Methods
    Jack M. Fletcher and David J. Francis

  3. The Importance of Longitudinal Research for Early Intervention Practices
    Barbara K. Keogh

  4. What is a Meta-Analysis and How Do We Know We Can Trust It?
    Harris Cooper and Kelle Reach

  5. Clinical Trials as a Model for Intervention Research Studies in Education
    Robin D. Morris
III. Evidence-Based Practices that Teachers Are Asked to Implement

  1. Teaching Phonemic Awareness and Phonics: An Explanation of the National Reading Panel Meta-Analyses
    Linnea C. Ehri

  2. What Do We Know About Fluency?: Findings of the National Reading Panel
    Steven A. Stahl

  3. Vocabulary and Comprehension Instruction: Summary and Implications of the National Reading Panel Findings
    Michael L. Kamil

  4. Critiques of the National Reading Panel Report: Their Implications for Research, Policy, and Practice
    Timothy Shanahan
IV. Reading Research Evidence in the Classroom

  1. Science, Language, and Imagination in the Professional Development of Reading Teachers
    Louisa C. Moats

  2. How Teachers Allocate Time During Literacy Instruction in Primary-Grade English Language Learner Classrooms
    Barbara R. Foorman, Claude Goldenberg, Coleen D. Carlson, William M. Saunders, and Sharolyn D. Pollard-Durodola

  3. Motivating Students to Read: Evidence for Classroom Practices that Increase Reading Motivation and Achievement
    John T. Guthrie and Nicole M. Humenick

  4. Lessons Learned from Research on Interventions for Students Who Have Difficulty Learning to Read
    Joseph K. Torgesen
V. Neuroimaging and Brain Research

  1. Functional Brain Imaging: An Introduction to Concepts and Applications
    Andrew C. Papanicolaou, Kenneth R. Pugh, Panagiotis G. Simos, and W. Einar Mencl

  2. Neurobiologic Basis for Reading and Reading Disability
    Sally E. Shaywitz and Bennett A. Shaywitz
VI. Policy and Research: Where Are We Today and Where are We Going?

  1. Where Does Policy Usually Come From and Why Should We Care?
    Mengli Song, Jane Gordon Coggshall, and Cecil G. Miskel

  2. The Accumulation of Evidence: A Continuing Process
    Peggy McCardle and Vinita Chhabra
Closing Comment from G. Reid Lyon



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