Behavior Support, Third Edition
Special Education, K-12

This revised and expanded edition is your guide to implementing effective positive behavior support. Includes more on bullying prevention, safe and responsive school climates, and functional behavior analysis.

Contains Companion Materials
78867 978-1-59857-886-7
2015 224
Available Stock

The revised and expanded edition of a popular book trusted in classrooms across the country, Behavior Support is your guide to implementing effective positive behavior support (PBS)—both in the classroom and across an entire school. You'll get explicit, research-based strategies for implementing the three tiers of PBS:

  1. universal, school-wide interventions;
  2. selected interventions with students exhibiting risk behaviors; and
  3. specialized interventions with students who need intensive, individualized help.

Packed with updated strategies on hot topics, redesigned forms, and the newest research on multitiered systems of support, this new edition will help you support positive changes in your students' behavior—so you can keep the focus on learning. (Ideal for both in-service teacher training and college and university courses!)


  • Stop challenging behavior before it starts
  • Improve communication, social, and self-control skills
  • Form positive, respectful relationships with classmates, teachers, and other community members
  • Take a more active part in their school, classroom, and community

WHAT'S NEW: More research and strategies on key topics, including bullying prevention, safe and responsive school climates, functional assessment, and individual student interventions. You'll also get more explicit step-by-step instructions, new case examples, tips on sustaining PBS in your school, redesigned forms that are practical and easy to use, and focusing questions for each chapter that highlight key takeaways.

This revised and expanded edition is your guide to implementing effective positive behavior support. Includes more on bullying prevention, safe and responsive school climates, and functional behavior analysis.

About the Authors
About the Forms
  1. Positive Behavior Support
    Three-tiered Model of School-wide Systems for Student Support
    Using Positive Behavior Support in Schools
    Core Features and Principles of Positive Behavior Support
    Positive Behavior Support Teams
  2. School-wide Positive Behavior Support
    Rationale for Primary Tier School-wide Positive Behavior Support
    A Safe and Responsive School Climate
    School-wide Unified Discipline Approach
    Active Development of Social and Emotional Competencies
    Bully Prevention in Positive Behavior Support
    Systems-Change Process for Establishing and Sustaining SWPBS
  3. Class-wide and Selected Interventions
    Class-wide Interventions
    Team Facilitation of Selected Interventions
    Identifying Students of Selected Interventions
    Matching Identified Students with Selected Interventions
    Simple Functional Behavioral Assessment
    Adopting and Implementing Selected Intervention
    Monitoring, Evaluating, and Sustaining Selected Interventions
  4. Individualized Positive Behavior Support: Conducting a Functional Behavioral Assessment
    What is Functional Behavioral Assessment?
    Step 1: Identify the Problem (s) and Decide on Priorities: Make a Plan for Safety Management
    Step 2: Plan and Conduct the Functional Behavioral Assessment (FBA)
  5. Designing, Using, and Evaluating Individualized Positive Behavior Supports
    Step 3: Design an Individualized Positive Behavior Support Plan
    Step 4: Implement, Monitor, and Evaluate the PBS Plan


Appendix A: Blank Forms
Team Meeting Agenda and Minutes
Steps and Tools to Develop Individualized Positive Behavior Supports (PBS)
Step 1A Worksheet: Problem Identification and Decisions about Priorities
Step 1B Worksheet: Safety Plan
Incident Record
Step 2A Worksheet: Student-Centered Functional Behavioral Assessment (FBA) Profile
Student Schedule Analysis
Interval Recording or Scatter Plot
Antecedent-Behavior-Consequence Observation
Step 2C Worksheet: Summary of Functional Behavioral Assessment and Hypothesis Statement(s)
Step 3 Worksheet: Positive Behavior Support Plan
Step 4 Worksheet: Implementing, Monitoring, and Evaluating the PBS Plan
ABC Checklist

Appendix B: Resources on Behavioral Support



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Fredda Brown, Professor, Queens College, City University of NY - February 2, 2015
“This book captures both the science and spirit of positive behavior supports.”
Rose Iovannone, Florida Center for Inclusive Communities, University of South Florida - January 30, 2015
“A very useful book that … should be in the possession of all district and school-based positive behavior support teams as well as all teachers.”
Robin Drogan, Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania - January 30, 2015
“A powerful read with helpful tools and student snapshots that lend insightful ideas to support effective practice.”
Kristen GoldMansour, Owner GoldMansour and Rutherford, Director of Professional Development and Inclusive Practices - January 30, 2015
“A crucial tool for teachers … successfully provides educators with the background information, big-picture understanding, and hands-on classroom-based tools they need to implement inclusive and positive educational strategies.”
Tim Knoster, Bloomsburg University - January 15, 2015
“A great resource for teachers and colleagues who are invested in effectively educating students with learning and behavior problems in inclusive settings.”
This product has additional material available on the Brookes Download Hub.
  • blank reproducible planning forms and checklists

  • sample completed planning forms and checklists

  • Visit the Download Hub for a preview of what's available.