Modifying Schoolwork, Third Edition
Special Education, Higher Education, K-12
Get a clear and concrete plan for K-12 inclusion in this NEW edition of the bestselling book in the Teachers' Guides to Inclusive Practices series. Packed with field-tested strategies, case studies, and planning tools, this hands-on guide will help teachers deliver effective universal instruction in core content areas and create customized adaptations and flexible supports for students with diverse needs and abilities. Teachers will learn what really works in inclusion, and they'll discover how to seamlessly weave in modifications while encouraging each student's sense of belonging.

Contains Companion Materials
72933 978-1-59857-293-3
2013 224
Available Stock

Need quick, practical, ready-to-use guidance on teaching all students—and making appropriate modifications for kids who need extra support? Get a clear and concrete plan for K-12 inclusion in this NEW edition of the bestselling book in the Teachers' Guides to Inclusive Practices series. Packed with field-tested strategies, case studies, and planning tools, this hands-on guide will help teachers deliver effective universal instruction in core content areas and create customized adaptations and flexible supports for students with diverse needs and abilities. Teachers will learn what really works in inclusion, and they'll discover how to seamlessly weave in modifications while encouraging each student's sense of belonging.

  • Practical guidance on implementing Universal Design for Learning
  • Content aligns clearly with an RTI framework, with strategies spanning from whole-class instruction to highly individualized adaptations
  • More on working with students with significant disabilities and complex learning needs—one of the biggest challenges of inclusion
  • Easy-to-print forms that help teachers plan individualized supports and adaptations, available at
  • Helpful "focusing questions" at the start of each chapter—perfect for preservice study and teacher book club discussions
  • New stories from teachers and parents that spotlight real-world challenges and successes

With printable planning tools!
  • Team Roles and Responsibilities Checklist
  • Program-at-a-Glance
  • Student Profile
  • General Assessment of Classroom Activities
  • Program Planning Matrix
  • Individualized Adaptations and Support Plan
  • and more
About the Authors
About the Forms
  1. Inclusive Education: The Big Picture
    Defining Characteristics of Inclusive Education
    An Organizing Framework for Schoolwide Systems of Student Support
    Improving Your School's Inclusive Practices

  2. Curricular and Instructional Practices that Promote the Inclusion and Success of All Students
    Universal Design for Learning and Differentiated Instruction
    Active Learning and Brain-Compatible Learning
    Peer-Mediated Learning Structures
    Learning Strategies
    Graphic Organizers
    Strategies to Increase Active Responding During Whole-Class Lessons
    Collaborative Planning for Diverse Groups of Students

  3. A Model for Creating Individualized Adaptations and Supports
    What Is a Model, and Why Is It Necessary?
    Creating Individualized Adaptations and Supports

  4. Planning, Implementing, and Evaluating Individualized Adaptations and Supports for Students with Extensive Needs
    Step 1: Gather and Share Information About the Student and the Classroom
    Step 2: Schedule Instruction and Supports Across the Day
    Step 3: Plan and Implement Instruction, with Needed Adaptations and Supports
    Step 4: Plan and Implement More Specialized Teaching Strategies
    Step 5: Monitor and Evaluate

  5. Including All Students in Instruction in Core Curriculum Areas
    Two Reminders: Start with Effective Teaching and Keep All Students' Goals in Mind
    Reading and Written Language
    Mathematics and Numeracy
    Content Areas and Natural and Social Sciences
    Tests and Testing Procedures
    A Final Note: Do Not Reinvent the Wheel
Appendix A: Blank Forms
Appendix B: Resources on Creating Effective Inclusive Schools and Designing Schoolwork for Inclusive Classrooms


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Judy Itzkowitz, Educational Consultant - June 4, 2013
“An exemplary resource for anyone who is committed to making education better for students with varying gifts, abilities, and needs.”
Martha Thurlow, Director of the National Center on Educational Outcomes - June 3, 2013
“A significant addition to the field's research-based inclusive education resources. It provides practical strategies, . . . for school personnel and educators who want to make inclusive education a reality rather than just an ideal.”
Douglas Fisher, San Diego State University - May 28, 2013
“Holds the key to unlocking the curriculum for all students . . . I love this book and believe that it should be on the desk of every teacher so that lessons can be planned with all students in mind.”
Michael Giangreco, University of Vermont - May 28, 2013
“An essential, contemporary resource for teams interested in supporting students with disabilities, both academically and socially, in inclusive classrooms.”
Paula Kluth, author, "You're Going to Love This Kid!" - May 28, 2013
“Janney and Snell have done it again. Their newest edition of Modifying Schoolwork is even better than the last resource-rich edition! Filled with photographs of student work, relevant research, and many teacher-tested tips, this volume is a must for teachers in today’s inclusive classrooms.”
Belva Collins, Professor and Chair, Dept. of Early Childhood, Special Education, & Rehabilitation Counseling, University of Kentucky - May 28, 2013
“A wealth of practical strategies for creating an inclusive classroom . . . The research-based examples show that effective inclusion is a possibility for every K-12 classroom, and the downloadable forms provide the means for accomplishing that goal.”
Dr. Jacqueline Thousand, Professor, School of Education, College of Education, Health, and Human Services, California State University, San Marcos - May 28, 2013
“Highly accessible, fun to read, and full of contemporary references and resources for readers . . . Visit the pages of this book often and with at least a colleague or two to be inspired and reminded of your creative powers to modify schoolwork!”
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  • blank reproducible planning forms

  • sample completed planning forms

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