Teachers' Guides - 4 Book Set
Special Education, Higher Education, K-12

Save 10% when you order all four books in the Teachers' Guides to Inclusive Practices!

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Save 10% when you order all four books in the Teachers' Guides to Inclusive Practices!

Behavioral Support - This revised and expanded edition is your guide to implementing effective positive behavior support. Includes more on bullying prevention, safe and responsive school climates, and functional behavior analysis.

Collaborative Teaming - Packed with practical tips, tools, and vignettes, the third edition of this popular book shows your staff how to work together effectively to support students with disabilities in inclusive classrooms. Perfect for independent study, inservice training, or preservice study.

Modifying Schoolwork - Packed with field-tested strategies, case studies, and planning tools, this guide helps teachers create a clear and concrete plan for K—12 inclusion.

Social Relationships - This highly readable guide gives educators proven and practical ideas for improving social connections among students with and without disabilities.

*Available for Individual Sales in North America Only

Table of Contents for Behavior Support, Third Edition

About the Authors
About the Forms
  1. Positive Behavior Support
    Three-tiered Model of School-wide Systems for Student Support
    Using Positive Behavior Support in Schools
    Core Features and Principles of Positive Behavior Support
    Positive Behavior Support Teams
  2. School-wide Positive Behavior Support
    Rationale for Primary Tier School-wide Positive Behavior Support
    A Safe and Responsive School Climate
    School-wide Unified Discipline Approach
    Active Development of Social and Emotional Competencies
    Bully Prevention in Positive Behavior Support
    Systems-Change Process for Establishing and Sustaining SWPBS
  3. Class-wide and Selected Interventions
    Class-wide Interventions
    Team Facilitation of Selected Interventions
    Identifying Students of Selected Interventions
    Matching Identified Students with Selected Interventions
    Simple Functional Behavioral Assessment
    Adopting and Implementing Selected Intervention
    Monitoring, Evaluating, and Sustaining Selected Interventions
  4. Individualized Positive Behavior Support: Conducting a Functional Behavioral Assessment
    What is Functional Behavioral Assessment?
    Step 1: Identify the Problem (s) and Decide on Priorities: Make a Plan for Safety Management
    Step 2: Plan and Conduct the Functional Behavioral Assessment (FBA)
  5. Designing, Using, and Evaluating Individualized Positive Behavior Supports
    Step 3: Design an Individualized Positive Behavior Support Plan
    Step 4: Implement, Monitor, and Evaluate the PBS Plan


Appendix A: Blank Forms

Team Meeting Agenda and Minutes
Steps and Tools to Develop Individualized Positive Behavior Supports (PBS)
Step 1A Worksheet: Problem Identification and Decisions about Priorities
Step 1B Worksheet: Safety Plan
Incident Record
Step 2A Worksheet: Student-Centered Functional Behavioral Assessment (FBA) Profile
Student Schedule Analysis
Interval Recording or Scatter Plot
Antecedent-Behavior-Consequence Observation
Step 2C Worksheet: Summary of Functional Behavioral Assessment and Hypothesis Statement(s)
Step 3 Worksheet: Positive Behavior Support Plan
Step 4 Worksheet: Implementing, Monitoring, and Evaluating the PBS Plan
ABC Checklist

Appendix B: Resources on Behavioral Support


Table of Contents for Collaborative Teaming, Third Edition

About the Authors
  1. Overview of Collaborative Teaming
    Collaborative Teams
    Why Is Collaboration So Important in Schools Today?
    Collaboration and Collaborative Teaming
    Service Delivery Models and Methods
    Components of Collaborative Teaming
    Benefits and Challenges of Collaborative Teaming

  2. Building Team Structure
    Leadership and Support from Administrators
    Purpose of Teams
    Establishing Team Membership for Individual Student Teams
    Establishing Team Trust
    Defining Team Members’ Roles and Responsibilities
    Time to Meet, Plan, and Implement
    Establishing a Team Meeting Process and Schedule

  3. Learning Teamwork Skills
    Setting Ground Rules for Team Meetings
    Establishing Team Trust
    Listening and Interacting Effectively
    Promoting Accurate and Unambiguous Communication
    Making Decisions by Consensus
    Being Sensitive to Diversity and Avoiding Stereotyping
    Fostering Positive Staff–Family Interactions
    Building Team Cohesion
    Resolving Conflict Constructively
    Adjusting Interpersonal Skills When Video Conferencing
    Teaming Effectively On-The-Fly

  4. Problem Solving and Action Planning
    Common Problem-Solving Issues
    Problem-Solving and Action Planning Methods
    Challenges to Team Problem Solving and Action Planning

  5. Collaborative Consultation
    What Is Collaborative Consultation?
    Rationale for Collaborative Consultation
    Expert-Driven and Collaborative Consultation
    Who Uses Collaborative Consultation, and for What Purposes?
    Related Services Delivered through Collaborative Consultation
    Challenges of Role Definition and Logistics
    Recognizing Each Other’s Expertise
    The Process of Collaborative Consultation

  6. Collaborative Teaching
    Rationale for Co-Teaching
    What Are the Characteristics of Effective Co-Teaching?
    Research on Co-Teaching
    Co-Teaching Models
    Preparing for Collaborative Teaching
    Evaluating Outcomes

Appendix A. Blank Forms
Appendix B. Resources

Table of Contents for Modifying Schoolwork, Third Edition

About the Authors
About the Forms
  1. Inclusive Education: The Big Picture
    Defining Characteristics of Inclusive Education
    An Organizing Framework for Schoolwide Systems of Student Support
    Improving Your School's Inclusive Practices

  2. Curricular and Instructional Practices that Promote the Inclusion and Success of All Students
    Universal Design for Learning and Differentiated Instruction
    Active Learning and Brain-Compatible Learning
    Peer-Mediated Learning Structures
    Learning Strategies
    Graphic Organizers
    Strategies to Increase Active Responding During Whole-Class Lessons
    Collaborative Planning for Diverse Groups of Students

  3. A Model for Creating Individualized Adaptations and Supports
    What Is a Model, and Why Is It Necessary?
    Creating Individualized Adaptations and Supports

  4. Planning, Implementing, and Evaluating Individualized Adaptations and Supports for Students with Extensive Needs
    Step 1: Gather and Share Information About the Student and the Classroom
    Step 2: Schedule Instruction and Supports Across the Day
    Step 3: Plan and Implement Instruction, with Needed Adaptations and Supports
    Step 4: Plan and Implement More Specialized Teaching Strategies
    Step 5: Monitor and Evaluate

  5. Including All Students in Instruction in Core Curriculum Areas
    Two Reminders: Start with Effective Teaching and Keep All Students' Goals in Mind
    Reading and Written Language
    Mathematics and Numeracy
    Content Areas and Natural and Social Sciences
    Tests and Testing Procedures
    A Final Note: Do Not Reinvent the Wheel
Appendix A: Blank Forms
Appendix B: Resources on Creating Effective Inclusive Schools and Designing Schoolwork for Inclusive Classrooms

Table of Contents for Social Relationships and Peer Support, Second Edition

About the Authors

Chapter 1 Building Social Relationships
Inclusive Education
What are Social Relationships?
Educational Importance of Social Skills and Peer Relationships
Understanding Differences in Social Relationships
Establishing the Conditions for Social Participation and Relationships
Steps for Building Social Relationships
Guidelines and Strategies to Enhance Relationships
Organization of this Book
Chapter 2 Preparing the School Environment
Strategies for Preparing Staff
Strategies for Preparing Peers
Chapter 3 Building Support Through Peer Groups
Age and Peer Support Strategy
Approaches for Building Peer Support
Adult Facilitation
Natural Relationships and Supports
Friendship Groups
Supportive Relationship Programs
Goal-Setting and Problem-Solving Approaches
Implementing Peer Support Groups
Chapter 4 Teaching Social Skills
Concepts of Social Skills and Social Competence
Social Interaction Difficulties
Designing Social Skills Instruction
Team Process for Designing Social Skills Instruction
Step 1: Identify Social Skill Difficulties and the Type of Learning Problem
Step 2: Set Social Skill Goals for the Student
Step 3: Select Teaching Options that Match the Student’s Specific Social Skill Difficulty
Step 4: Develop a Teaching Plan
Step 5: Implement, Evaluate, and Improve the Plan as Needed
Chapter 5 Models of Peer Support in Instruction
Cooperative Learning
Step 1: Determine Group Lesson Goals
Step 2: Determine Individual Objectives
Step 3: Assign Students to Groups and Arrange Seating
Step 4: Assign Roles
Step 5: Determine Materials Needed
Step 6: Target Cooperative Skills
Step 7: Plan How to Monitor Group Functioning
Step 8: Evaluate and Give Feedback
Peer Tutoring
Peer Networking
Chapter 6 Getting Started and Keeping It Going
Factors Influencing Social Relationships
Class Composition
Sustaining Relationships After School
Appendix A Blank Forms
Rating Scale to Assess a Student’s Relationships
ABC Recording Form
Cooperative Learning Lesson Plan
Cooperative Learning Group Agenda
Individual Adaptations Plan for Cooperative Learning Activities
Social Relationship Worksheet
Issue/Action Planning Form
Appendix B Resources on Social Relationships and Peer Support


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