Collaborative Teaming, Third Edition
Special Education, Higher Education, K-12

Packed with practical tips, tools, and vignettes, the third edition of this popular book shows your staff how to work together effectively to support students with disabilities in inclusive classrooms. Perfect for independent study, inservice training, or preservice study.

Contains Companion Materials
76566 978-1-59857-656-6
2015 192
Available Stock

Collaborative teaming is the glue that holds an inclusive school together. But most educators don't get explicit training on teamwork skills—and that's why you need the new third edition of this popular how-to book. Packed with practical tips, tools, and vignettes, Collaborative Teaming shows your staff how to work together effectively to support students with disabilities in inclusive classrooms. Perfect for independent study, inservice training, or preservice study, this reader-friendly guide will get teachers on board with collaborative teaming and give them fresh ways to improve the academic progress and behavior of all students.

  • Master multiple types of teaming, from co-teaching to collaborative consultation
  • Clearly define a team's purpose and focus
  • Establish trust and consistent communication among team members
  • Schedule and facilitate productive team meetings
  • Make sound decisions by consensus
  • Solve problems and create action plans as a team
  • Use teamwork to increase the participation and learning of all students
  • Ensure positive interactions with families

PRACTICAL MATERIALS: Activities that help teachers reflect on and apply the strategies; vignettes that show strategies in action; reproducible forms and checklists for conducting meetings, co-teaching effectively, and more. (For easy printing, full-size forms will now be available for download when you purchase the book.)

  • How teaming relates to schoolwide initiatives like PBIS and RTI
  • Expanded chapter on co-teaching
  • New chapter on collaborative consultation
  • More strategies for effective communication and conflict resolution
  • Insights on using today's technology to collaborate
  • New vignettes featuring diverse students with a wide range of disabilities
  • Helpful "focusing questions" in each chapter—perfect for use in courses and book clubs

About the Authors
  1. Overview of Collaborative Teaming
    Collaborative Teams
    Why Is Collaboration So Important in Schools Today?
    Collaboration and Collaborative Teaming
    Service Delivery Models and Methods
    Components of Collaborative Teaming
    Benefits and Challenges of Collaborative Teaming

  2. Building Team Structure
    Leadership and Support from Administrators
    Purpose of Teams
    Establishing Team Membership for Individual Student Teams
    Establishing Team Trust
    Defining Team Members’ Roles and Responsibilities
    Time to Meet, Plan, and Implement
    Establishing a Team Meeting Process and Schedule

  3. Learning Teamwork Skills
    Setting Ground Rules for Team Meetings
    Establishing Team Trust
    Listening and Interacting Effectively
    Promoting Accurate and Unambiguous Communication
    Making Decisions by Consensus
    Being Sensitive to Diversity and Avoiding Stereotyping
    Fostering Positive Staff–Family Interactions
    Building Team Cohesion
    Resolving Conflict Constructively
    Adjusting Interpersonal Skills When Video Conferencing
    Teaming Effectively On-The-Fly

  4. Problem Solving and Action Planning
    Common Problem-Solving Issues
    Problem-Solving and Action Planning Methods
    Challenges to Team Problem Solving and Action Planning

  5. Collaborative Consultation
    What Is Collaborative Consultation?
    Rationale for Collaborative Consultation
    Expert-Driven and Collaborative Consultation
    Who Uses Collaborative Consultation, and for What Purposes?
    Related Services Delivered through Collaborative Consultation
    Challenges of Role Definition and Logistics
    Recognizing Each Other’s Expertise
    The Process of Collaborative Consultation

  6. Collaborative Teaching
    Rationale for Co-Teaching
    What Are the Characteristics of Effective Co-Teaching?
    Research on Co-Teaching
    Co-Teaching Models
    Preparing for Collaborative Teaching
    Evaluating Outcomes

Appendix A. Blank Forms
Appendix B. Resources


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Dona Bauman, University of Scranton - November 21, 2014
“A worthy addition to the knowledge base of collaborative relationships and practices … should be required reading.”
Diana Abbott, Roberts Wesleyan College - November 21, 2014
“A wealth of practical information for twenty-first century educators … offers strategies and tools for teachers to gain the skills needed to effectively collaborate in today’s schools.”
Elizabeth Erwin, Montclair State University - November 20, 2014
“A significant and comprehensive text about cutting-edge collaborative teaming practices grounded firmly in the latest research.”
Dr. Ann Nevin, Professor Emerita, Arizona State University - November 13, 2014
“It's a professional and personal privilege to endorse Collaborative Teaming, Third Edition by Rachel Janney, Ph.D., Margaret E. King-Sears, Ph.D., and Martha E. Snell, Ph.D. These outstanding researcher-teachers have added many features that readers will appreciate: focus questions to guide reading, student snapshots to emphasize the child-centered nature of the reason educators collaborate, checklists and other devices to monitor our progress, diagrams to help remember key elements, and voices from the classroom to signal the viability of teachers' use of the strategies. The authors have been careful to document their knowledge claims with up-to-date research, a valuable asset in this era of evidence based accountability.”
This product has additional material available on the Brookes Download Hub.
  • blank reproducible planning forms

  • sample completed planning forms and checklists

  • Visit the Download Hub for a preview of what's available.