About the Online Materials
About the Authors
Chapter 1: Key Concepts and Assumptions Related To Effective Support For Students With Emotional And Behavioral Disorders
- Services and Levels of Success for Students With EBD
- Key Assumptions Underlying Effective Support for Students Experiencing EBD
- Case Study
- Summary
- References
Chapter 2: Developing A Foundational Understanding of Emotional and Behavioral Disorders
- Appreciate the Complex Nature of Behavior Associated With EBD
- Develop Accurate Conceptualizations
- Utilize a Developmental Perspective
- Be Knowledgeable About Risk and Protective Factors
- Recognize Key Skill Deficits and Unique Characteristics of Students With EBD
- Use Methods and Practices That Facilitate Effective Supports
- Understand and Utilize Mental Health Systems and Perspectives
- Summary
- References
Chapter 3: Creating Supportive Adult–Student and Peer Relationships
- The Importance of Adult–Student Relationships in Supporting Students With EBD
- Creating Supportive Peer Relationships in the Classroom
- Developing Supportive Relationships With Caregivers
- Summary
- References
Chapter 4: Developing Behavior Standards and Increasing Students’ Motivation to Learn
- Developing Clear and Effective General Classroom Behavior Standards and Procedures
- Increasing Students’ Motivation to Learn and Enhancing Their Academic Success
- Summary
- References
Chapter 5: Responding Effectively to Disruptive Behavior
- Methods for Responding Effectively to Disruptive or Defiant Behavior
- Responding to Violent Student Behavior
- Creating an Effective Classroom Discipline Procedure
- Incorporating Social Problem Solving Into the Classroom and School Discipline System
- Disciplinary Exclusion for Students Identified as EBD
- Summary
- References
Chapter 6: Developing Individualized Behavior Support Plans: Planning for Student Success
- Understanding the Behavior Support Plan Process
- Components of the BSP Process
- Implementing the BSP Across a Continuum of Services
- Increasing the Effectiveness of the BSP
- Summary
- References
Chapter 7: Social-Emotional Learning Methods for Supporting Student Success
- Understanding Social-Emotional Learning
- Methods and Strategies for Developing Self-Regulation
- Facilitating Self-Awareness and Understanding School Behavior Skills: Learning and Demonstrating Behaviors That Are Adaptive and Socially Acceptable in a School Setting
- Using Systematic Desensitization and Cognitive Restructuring to Assist Students in Adjusting to Stressful Situations
- Summary
- References
Chapter 8: Developing an Effective Program for Students Identified as EBD
- Components of an Effective Specialized Program for Students Identified as EBD
- Ensuring Program Quality
- Summary
- References