Using the Building Blocks Model to Guide Intervention and Classroom Management, Third Edition
Learning Disabilities and Challenging Behaviors
Special Education, Higher Education, K-12

Use the proven and popular Building Blocks model to help struggling students master 12 school success factors. This revised third edition includes more on PBIS, school climate, social-emotional learning, and more.

Contains Companion Materials
78362 978-1-59857-836-2
2015 568
Available Stock

Why do students in Grades K–12 struggle with social and academic skills, and how can teachers help them develop the competence and confidence they need to succeed? Get practical answers in the new edition of this bestselling book, a staple of teacher training since 2001. It's structured like the popular previous editions: a detailed questionnaire pinpoints each student's individual strengths and needs, and an updated version of the highly effective Building Blocks model helps educators target 12 school success factors with proven strategies and guidelines they can use right away. Reliable, up-to-date research makes this a perfect preservice textbook, and the classroom-ready strategies are a lifeline for in-service teachers as they work toward better outcomes for struggling students.


  • Self-Regulation
  • Behavior
  • Emotions
  • Resilience
  • Phonological
  • Orthographic
  • Memory
  • Motor
  • Automaticity/Efficiency
  • Verbal
  • Nonverbal
  • Executive Functions

WHAT'S NEW: New in–depth information on today's most critical topics, including school climate, multi tiered systems of support (MTSS), positive behavior interventions and supports (PBIS), social emotional learning, and student—teacher interactions. You'll also get fresh contributions from experts on learning disabilities and behavior challenges, plus lists of helpful apps and other online resources.

About the Downloadable Material

About the Authors

About the Contributors



A Note to Teachers

Section I Introduction

  1. The Building Blocks of Learning: A Framework for Understanding Classroom
    Learning and Behavior
    Appendix: Building Blocks Questionnaire
  2. Theoretical Foundations
  3. The Learning Environment

Section II Foundational Blocks

  1. Self-Regulation: Understanding and Managing Students with Poor Attention, Planning, Impulse Control, and Hyperactivity
  2. Behavior: Understanding and Managing Behavior Problems with Lauren Meyer
  3. Emotions: Understanding and Managing Anxiety, Depression, Trauma, and Stress with Gretchen Schoenfield and Jennifer May
    Appendix A: Anxiety Disorders
    Appendix B: Depressive Disorders
    Appendix C: Disorders of Trauma and Stress
  4. Strategies to Promote Resilience with Robert Brooks

Section III Processing Blocks

  1. Learning Disabilities and the Processing Blocks with Deborah A. Schneider
    Appendix A: Phonological Awareness Skills Screener (Pass)
    Appendix B: The Relationship between Speech Sounds and Spelling Development
  2. Instruction for the Processing Blocks: Decoding, Encoding, Reading Fluency, Calculating, and Handwriting with Breanna Sherrow
    Appendix: Fry’s 600 Instant Words

Section IV Conceptual Blocks

  1. The Conceptual Blocks: Verbal, Nonverbal, and Executive Functions with Ann M. Richards
    Appendix A: Additional Strategies for Test Taking
    Appendix B: Instructional Accommodations Survey
    Appendix C: iPad Apps for Visual Imagery, Note-Taking, Time Management, and Test Taking Instruction (Compiled by Ann M. Richards, Ph.D.)
  2. Instruction for the Conceptual Blocks: Reading Comprehension, Written Expression, and Math Problem Solving with Ann M. Richards
    Appendix A: Synonyms for Words that Children Commonly Use in Writing
    Appendix B: IPad Apps for Reading, Spelling, and Writing Instruction by Elaine Cheesman, Ph.D.

Section V Conclusion

  1. The Classroom Environment as a Microcosm of the World

Additional Resources

Websites and Professional Organizations




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David Allsopp, University of South Florida - March 2, 2015
“An in-depth yet practical treatment of the complex learning, behavior, and social-emotional needs of students with disabilities and how to help them to take ownership of their learning and school success.”
Amanda Morin, educator and author of The Everything Parent's Guide to Special Education - February 26, 2015
“Provides a comprehensive look at the underlying skills students need to learn and does a great job exploring the interplay among them. More importantly, it provides teachers with a framework by which to make sense of what they're seeing in the classroom and the practical, actionable tools and information they need to make positive change.”
This product has additional material available on the Brookes Download Hub.
  • building blocks questionnaire
  • instructional accommodations survey
  • PASS test record
  • letter/sound identification charts

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