A Standards-Based Guide to Practices in School and Community Settings
Individual Positive Behavior Supports
Higher Education, K-12

Aligned with the Association for Positive Behavior Support's Standards of Practice, this authoritative graduate-level text presents the critical skills and knowledge professionals need to translate current behavior science into person-centered interventions.

Contains Companion Materials
72735 978-1-59857-273-5
2015 584
Available Stock

Aligned with the Association for Positive Behavior Support's Standards of Practice, this graduate-level text is an authoritative PBS primer for professionals preparing for work in educational and community-based settings. More than 60 leading scholars present the critical skills and knowledge professionals need to translate the principles and science of PBS into person-centered interventions that improve lives. Covering a broad range of ages, disabilities, and settings, this comprehensive textbook fully prepares professionals to support all people with challenging behavior, effectively and respectfully.

  • Use the foundations of PBS and applied behavior analysis (ABA) in everyday practice
  • Conduct person-centered functional behavior assessments
  • Select and design effective behavior interventions and curricular modifications
  • Develop comprehensive, multielement PBS plans tailored to individual needs and goals
  • Ensure fidelity of behavior-plan implementation
  • Facilitate generalization and maintenance of behavior changes

PRACTICAL MATERIALS: Vignettes that illustrate effective approaches; online companion materials for instructors, including PowerPoints that enhance teaching and learning and study questions for discussion and reflection.

  • antecedent strategies
  • consequence strategies
  • functional behavior assessments
  • person-centered planning teams
  • data-based decision making
  • single-subject research methodology
  • systematic instruction
  • self-determination
  • quality of life
  • visual supports
  • partnering with families
  • curricular modifications
  • self-management strategies
  • behavior assessment and data analysis
  • systemic change
  • culturally responsive PBS
  • future directions for PBS
  • and more!
About the Reproducible Materials
About the Editors
Foreword Ann Turnbull

I Foundations of Positive Behavior Support
  1. A Historical Perspective on the Evolution of Positive Behavior Support as a Science-Based Discipline
    Joseph M. Lucyshyn, Glen Dunlap, and Rachel Freeman
  2. Foundational Assumptions About Challenging Behavior and Behavioral Interventions
    Jacki Anderson and Fredda Brown
  3. Effective Teaming for Positive Behavior Support
    Linda M. Bambara and Catherine Kunsch
  4. Person-Centered Planning Teams
    Jennifer McFarland-Whisman
  5. Supporting Individuals with Challenging Behavior Through Systemic Change
    Randall De Pry, Kavita V. Kamat, and Richard Stock
II Basic Principles of Behavior
  1. Applied Behavior Analysis as a Conceptual Framework for Understanding Positive Behavior Support
    Teri Lewis
  2. Antecedent Strategies to Change Behavior
    Sheldon L. Loman and Amanda K. Stanford
  3. Consequence Strategies to Change Behavior
    Chris Borgmeier and Billie Jo Rodriguez
  4. Facilitating Generalization and Maintenance of Behavior Change
    Jeffrey Sprague
  5. Defining, Measuring, and Graphing Behavior
    Matt Tincani and Elizabeth R. Lorah
  6. Single-Case Designs and Data-Based Decision Making
    John McDonnell, Robert E. O’Neill, and Breda V. O’Keeffe
  7. Systematic Instruction
    Angel Lee, Leah Wood, and Diane M. Browder
III Comprehensive Function-Based and Person-Centered Assessments
  1. Integrating and Building on Best Practices in Person-Centered Planning, Wraparound, and Positive Behavior Support to Enhance Quality of Life
    Rachel Freeman, Matt Enyart, Kelcey Schmitz, Pat Kimbrough, Kris Matthews, and Lori Newcomer
  2. Conducting Functional Behavior Assessments
    Robert E. O’Neill, Leanne S. Hawken, and Kaitlin Bundock
  3. Using Functional Behavioral Assessment Data
    Lee Kern and Beth Custer
  4. Conducting Functional Analyses of Behavior
    David P. Wacker, Wendy K. Berg, Brenda J. Bassingthwaite, Todd G. Kopelman, Kelly M. Schieltz, Yaniz C. Padilla Dalmau, Scott D. Lindgren, and John F. Lee
IV Function-Driven Interventions
  1. Strategies to Promote Self-Determination
    Michael L. Wehmeyer
  2. Strategies for Self-Management
    Martin Agran
  3. Visual Supports as Antecedent and Teaching Interventions
    Pat Mirenda and Brenda Fossett
  4. Curricular Modification, Positive Behavior Support, and Change
    Ann Halvorsen and Tom Neary, with contributions by Deanna Willson-Schafer and Mary Wrenn
  5. Strategies for Functional Communication Training
    V. Mark Durand
V Comprehensive Multielement Positive Behavior Support Plans
  1. Building Supportive Environments: Toward a Technology for Enhancing Fidelity of Implementation
    Kent McIntosh, Joseph M. Lucyshyn, M. Kathleen Strickland-Cohen, and Robert H. Horner
  2. Implementing Multielement Positive Behavior Support Plans
    Meme Hieneman and Glen Dunlap
  3. Cultural and Contextual Fit: Juan's Family as Active Team Members
    Bobbie J. Vaughn and Lise K. Fox
  4. Developing a Multielement Behavior Support Plan for a Middle School Student from a Diverse Background with Significant Behavioral Challenges
    Randall L. De Pry and Julie Esparza-Brown
  5. Application of a Multielement Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports Plan for Alie, an Elementary Student with Intellectual Disabilities
    Richard W. Albin and Anne W. Todd
VI Future Directions and Applications for Positive Behavior Support
  1. Positive Behavior Supports and Quality of Life
    Lisa S. Fleisher, Sharon Ann Ballard-¬Krishnan and Nila F. Benito
  2. Ronda's Story: Living a Quality Life
    Scott Shepard and Ronda Michaelson
  3. Taking Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports into the Future
    Allyson Satter, Nikki Wolf, and Wayne Sailor
Appendix Association for Positive Behavior Support (APBS) Standards of Practice


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Daniel Crimmins, Director, Center for Leadership in Disability and GaLEND Program; Clinical Professor, School of Public Health, Georgia State University - June 11, 2014
“A wonderful compilation of current practice in individualized positive behavior support.”
Tim Knoster, Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania - June 2, 2014
“The depth and breadth of this text is simply extraordinary! . . . This resource will be of great value to anyone interested in promoting the application of positive behavior support across home, school, and community settings.”
Anne Farrell, University of Connecticut - June 2, 2014
“Instructive on critical components of implementation, illuminated with examples, and supported by an ample evidence base, this book will no doubt emerge as an indispensable textbook, practice guide, and research reference.”
Volume Editors: Fredda Brown Ph.D., Jacki L. Anderson Ph.D., Randall L. De Pry Ph.D.   Foreword Author: Ann Turnbull Ed.D.   Invited Contributors: Martin Agran Ph.D., Richard W. Albin Ph.D., Sharon Ann Ballard-Krishnan, Linda M. Bambara, Brenda J. Bassingthwaite Ph.D., Nila Benito, Wendy K. Berg M.A., Chris Borgmeier Ph.D., Diane M. Browder Ph.D., Kaitlin Bundock, Beth Custer, Yaniz C. Padilla Dalmau Ph.D., Glen Dunlap Ph.D., V. Mark Durand Ph.D., Matt Enyart M.S., Julie Esparza-Brown, Lisa S. Fleisher Ph.D., Brenda Fossett Ph.D., BCBA-D, Lise K. Fox Ph.D., Rachel Freeman Ph.D., Ann Halvorsen, Leanne S. Hawken Ph.D., Meme Hieneman Ph.D., Robert H. Horner Ph.D., Kavita V. Kamat, Pat Kimbrough M.S., Todd G. Kopelman Ph.D., Catherine Kunsch M.S., Angel Lee M.Ed., John F. Lee, Teri Lewis Ph.D., Scott D. Lindgren Ph.D., Sheldon L. Loman Ph.D., Elizabeth R. Lorah Ph.D., Joseph M. Lucyshyn Ph.D., Kris Matthews, John McDonnell Ph.D., Jennifer McFarland-Whisman Ph.D., BCBA, Kent McIntosh Ph.D., Ronda Michaelson, Pat Mirenda Ph.D., BCBA-D, Tom Neary, Lori Newcomer Ph.D., Breda V. O'Keeffe, Robert E. O'Neill Ph.D., Billie Jo Rodriguez Ph.D., Wayne Sailor Ph.D., Allyson Satter Ph.D., Kelcey Schmitz, Scott Shepard, Jeffrey Sprague Ph.D., Amanda K. Stanford, Richard Stock, M. Kathleen Strickland-Cohen Ph.D., Matt Tincani Ph.D., BCBA-D, Anne W. Todd M.S., Bobbie J. Vaughn Ph.D., BCBA, David P. Wacker Ph.D., Michael L. Wehmeyer Ph.D., Deanna Wilson-Schafer, Nikki Wolf Ph.D., Leah Wood Ph.D., Mary Wrenn   Author: Lee Kern   Chapter Author: Kelly M. Schieltz Ph.D.
This product has additional material available on the Brookes Download Hub.
  • PowerPoint presentations to accompany each chapter
  • study questions for each chapter for discussion and reflection
  • reproducible checklists

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