Meme Hieneman, Ph.D.
Meme was a consultant, researcher, educator, and advocate working with organizations that support children with significant behavioral challenges and providing information and resources through teaching and nonprofit work. She was married for over 30 years and had two young adult sons. Meme held a Ph.D. in Special Education and was certified as a behavior analyst. She published a variety of articles, chapters, and three books. She developed a comprehensive video and training package on PBS for parents of children with autism and other developmental disabilities and was a regular contributor to Parenting Special Needs Magazine. Meme worked with children with severe behavioral challenges and their families for over 30 years. She was a residential program manager, behavior specialist for a school district, staff member for a program assisting families and professionals of children with autism, adjunct instructor at USF, director of a state-wide PBS project helping schools to implement proactive, evidence-based interventions, co-training coordinator for the National Research and Training Center on PBS, research director of the Positive Family Intervention Project at USF, director and developer of the ABA and autism programs at All Children’s Hospital, and Co-Principal Investigator of a National Institute on Health-research study focused on behavioral parent education. She taught Masters’ level courses in applied behavior analysis, consulted with agencies that provide family-focused behavioral support, and lead a nonprofit organization called the Home and Community Positive Behavior Support Network (