Vern Jones, Ph.D.
Dr. Jones has been a junior high school teacher of students with EBD, a junior high school vice principal, and a district coordinator for students with EBD. He has consulted with university faculty, state departments of education, school districts, and educators in over 25 states in the areas of classroom management, programs and individual interventions for students with EBD, and school violence prevention. Dr. Jones is Emeritus Professor of Education at Lewis & Clark College in Portland, Oregon where he was chair of the education and special education departments in the Graduate School of Education and Counseling. His books include Comprehensive Classroom Management, 12th Ed. (2021), Effective Supports for Students with Emotional and Behavioral Disorders, (2016), Practical Classroom Management 2nd Ed. (2015), Creating Effective Programs for Students with Emotional and Behavior Discipline (2004), Responsible School Discipline (1981), and Adolescents with Behavior Problems, (1980). He was selected by the National Association of Colleges of Teacher Education to write the chapter on classroom management for the Handbook of Research on Teacher Education (1996) and wrote the chapter “How Do Teachers Learn to Be Effective Classroom Managers?” for the Handbook for Classroom Management: Research, Practice, and Contemporary Issues (2006).