An Introduction to Inclusive Education
Teaching Everyone
Higher Education

Aligned with CEC Initial Content Standards, Teaching Everyone is a core text that fully prepares teachers to see past disability labels and work with all children's individual needs and strengths. Includes teaching strategies for all major academic content areas.

Contains Companion Materials
72124 978-1-59857-212-4
2012 400
Available Stock
Instructor materials available. Enhance your courses with student activities, discussion starters, instructor notes, Power Point slides, and more!

The new generation of teachers needs a new kind of special education textbook—one that focuses on children, not labels. That's why Whitney Rapp & Katrina Arndt developed Teaching Everyone, the first text that fully prepares teachers to see past disability labels and work with all students' individual needs and strengths.

Accessible and forward-thinking, this inclusive special education text will get K–12 teachers ready to work effectively within today's schools and meet the learning needs of a wide range of students. Educators will:

  • Align their teaching with the Council for Exceptional Children (CEC) Initial Content Standards. Each chapter clearly explains how the content helps students meet specific standards.
  • Discover a truly progressive, inclusive approach to education. Breaking free of a categorical approach to disability, this text reveals how to stop relying on labels to access supports for students—and work with each child as an individual instead.
  • Get comprehensive information in one volume. A thorough primer on inclusive special education, this textbook covers all the critical topics teachers need to know about (see below), for a fraction of the cost of similar textbooks.
  • Learn effective teaching strategies for major academic content areas. Educators will get clear, research-backed strategies for teaching reading, writing, science, math, and social studies—including guidance on keeping students engaged and assessing their progress.
  • Get a deep and personal understanding of student and teacher perspectives. With the case studies and narratives from teachers and people with disabilities, educators will have keen first-hand insights that will inform their teaching for years to come.

A foundational text for tomorrow's teachers—and a valuable reference for inservice teachers who want to sharpen and update their skills—this important volume will help usher in an era of truly inclusive classrooms where all children learn and thrive.

With cutting-edge information on
  • differentiated instruction
  • universal design for learning
  • instructional strategies for academic content areas
  • assessment and evaluation
  • social and communication skills
  • response to intervention
  • early intervention policy and practices
  • classroom management positive behavioral interventions and supports (PBIS)
  • functional behavior assessment
  • IEPs
  • home-school collaboration
  • teacher collaboration
  • transition to adulthood
  • special education legislation
  • child and adolescent development

Click here to watch a recording of Dr. Rapp's webinar - Supporting Behavior in the Inclusive Class
About the Authors
Douglas Biklen
Susan Peters

Introduction: First Things First

I. Why Does Teaching Everyone Matter? The History of Special Education

  1. Construction of Ability and Disability, Intersections of Ability, Race, and Gender

    Disability throughout History
    How Race, Gender and Disability are Socially Constructed
    The Social Construction of Disability Impacts Education and Schooling

  2. History of Special Education

    Education in the United States
    The Development of Special Education
    What We Want to See

  3. Special Education Law and Legislation

    The Road Traveled
    Where We Stand
    Current Context and Issues
    The Trip Ahead

II. What Does Teaching Everyone Mean? The Educator's Role and Citizenship in the Classroom

  1. Early Intervention
    Martha Mock

    Development of Policy and Practices of Early Intervention
    Inclusive Early Childhood Education
    Major Principles in Early Intervention and Early Childhood Special Education
    Conclusion and Future Direction of Early Intervention

  2. Child and Adolescent Development

    Theories of Child and Adolescent Development
    Impact of Developmental Theories in Context of School
    What Teachers Should Know About Child and Adolescent Development

  3. Classroom Management

    Building Community
    Classroom Management

  4. Differentiation
    A Conceptual Framework for Successful Differentiation
    Differentiation of Instruction
    Considerations and Classroom Cases

  5. Universal Design for Learning
    Definition of UDL
    Why UDL?
    Principles of UDL
    A UDL Classroom
    Case Example

  6. Assessment

    Assessment in the Classroom
    Evaluation for Special Education
    Placement and the Individual Education Plan

  7. Collaboration

    Collaboration Best Practices
    Home–School Collaboration
    Collaboration within the School
    Collaboration between School and Agencies

  8. Transition from High School to Adult Life

    Legislation and Processes
    Community Connections

III. How Will I Teach Everyone? Instructional Strategies by Content Area

  1. Management Strategies for All Students

    Strategies for Management

  2. Reading Strategies for All Students

    Reading Instruction and Access to Instruction
    Least Dangerous Assumption
    Digital Media, National Core Curriculum Standards and Response to Intervention (RTI)
    Strategies for Engagement, Input, Output, and Assessment

  3. Writing Strategies for All Students

    Components of Writing
    Strategies for Engagement, Input, Output, and Assessment

  4. Social Studies Strategies for All Students
    Strategies for Teaching Social Studies to All Students

  5. Math Strategies for All Students

    Strategies for Teaching Math to All Students

  6. Science Strategies for All Students

    Strategies for Teaching Science to All Students

  7. Social and Communication Strategies for All Students

    Strategies for Teaching Social and Communication Skills to All Students

  8. Working with Special Area Teachers and Related Service Professionals

    Working with Special Area Teachers

Appendix: Resources for Comprehensive Teaching

Name Index
Subject Index


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: California Bookwatch, Education Shelf - August 29, 2012
"A hands-on guide packed with practical applications and should be in any education collection."
: Book News, Inc. - June 1, 2012
Mara Sapon-Shevin, Professor of Inclusive Education, Syracuse University - February 3, 2012
"Leaving behind limited categorical labels and concepts, this book does an amazing job of putting disability in its place: as only one of the many ways that students differ. I can't wait to use this book in my courses."
Patrick Schwarz, Professor, Diversity in Learning & Teaching Department National-Louis University, Chicago - February 3, 2012
"The introduction book to special education I have always dreamed about! Informational, progressive, and forward-thinking . . . promot[es] inclusive practices, differentiation, Universal Design for Learning, and more. Just what the professor ordered!"
Mary Jo Noonan, Department of Special Education, University of Hawai'i - February 3, 2012
"Contributes a fresh, compelling, and comprehensive perspective on the rationales for inclusion, and follows up with general and specific strategies for teaching ALL learners. The thorough attention to the "why" of inclusion is highly persuasive."
Carolyn Hughes, Vanderbilt University - February 3, 2012
"Provides the evidence-based strategies teachers need to learn to build a community that includes all learners."
Cheryl Jorgensen, author of The Inclusion Facilitator's Guide and The Beyond Access Model - February 3, 2012
"A must-read for every general and special education teacher. It provides a wealth of practical suggestions for creating an inclusive classroom in which all children belong and no one is left behind."
Paula Kluth, author of the "You're Going to Love This Kid!" book and professional development DVD - February 3, 2012
"Finally we have a textbook for pre-service teachers that will introduce them to inclusive education, challenge them think critically, and provide them with practical strategies all at the same time."
Cathy Houston-Wilson, Professor, Associate Chair, Coordinator of Student Teaching, Department of Kinesiology, Sport Studies & Physical Education - February 3, 2012
"A comprehensive user-friendly text . . . presents best practices in educating all students and offers curriculum-specific teaching and assessment strategies."
Rachel Janney, Independent Consultant and Scholar, Lincoln, VA - February 3, 2012
"Packed with rich content . . . I highly recommend this text for teacher preparation programs that want all of their graduates to believe they can teach all students-and to know how to teach all students."
Jacki Anderson, California State University East Bay - February 3, 2012
"How refreshing! An introductory text to special education that addresses the process of education rather than focusing predominantly on specific disability labels. This book is an excellent resource for training all k-12 teachers and its widespread use in introductory courses is highly recommended."
Michael Peterson, Director, Whole Schooling Consortium; co-author, Inclusive Teaching: The Journey Towards Effective Schools for All Learners - February 3, 2012
"An important book. Special education as a field needs to move from focusing on student deficits and their remediation to creating learning environments that build on and enhance student strengths. This book is a tool to help special educators truly collaborate in teaching everyone."
This product has additional material available on the Brookes Download Hub.
  • PowerPoint presentations to accompany each chapter
  • PowerPoint presentations to accompany each chapter
  • activities for every chapter that help students practice key skills
  • CEC content alignments for every chapter

Visit the Download Hub for a preview of what's available.