Systematic Instruction for Students with Moderate and Severe Disabilities, Second Edition
Special Education

To improve outcomes for students with moderate and severe disabilities, K–12 educators need to understand the why and how of good instructional practices. They’ll find comprehensive guidance in the second edition of this bestselling text on systematic instruction, a highly effective teaching approach rooted in applied behavior analysis (ABA).

Contains Companion Materials
54388 978-1-68125-438-8
2022 248
Available Stock

To improve outcomes for students with moderate and severe disabilities, K–12 educators need to understand the why and how of good instructional practices. They’ll find comprehensive guidance in the second edition of this bestselling text on systematic instruction, a highly effective teaching approach rooted in applied behavior analysis (ABA).

Fully revised and updated with timely topics and new sample lesson plans, this reader-friendly textbook prepares teachers to use dynamic, adaptable systematic instruction strategies to teach core content that is age-appropriate, meaningful, and relevant to students’ lives. Educators will discover evidence-based methods that help them with every step of systematic instruction, from collecting accurate screening and baseline data to supporting students as they generalize new skills to other settings. And faculty members will get a complete package of online instructor materials they can use in their courses, including test banks, PowerPoint slides, flowcharts for instructional procedures, and blank data sheets.

Written by a seasoned educator with decades of experience training a multitude of teachers, this is the accessible, up-to-date text today’s teachers need to succeed in inclusive classrooms and improve outcomes for students with moderate and severe disabilities.


  • Revised and updated chapters throughout, with a wealth of practical strategies
  • A full package of online faculty materials
  • 14 new sample lesson plans, including learning objectives, instructional contexts, materials needed, teaching procedures, data-collection guidelines, maintenance and generalization strategies, and lesson extensions and variations
  • Insightful commentary from special educators in each chapter
  • More on working with parents and caregivers
  • Guidance in each chapter about adapting systematic instruction methods for distance learning
  • New chapter on making instructional decisions and exercising leadership
  • Explicit guidance on combining functional core content with standards-based instruction
  • More on inclusion and culturally responsive practices
  • Up-to-date research on systematic instruction

SELECTED TOPICS COVERED: developing data sheets · collecting baseline data · designing effective instructional programs · using response prompting strategies · using technology to enhance instruction · applying ABA principles · increasing the efficiency of instruction · facilitating maintenance and generalization · exercising educational leadership

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About the Author


Foreword Erik Carter, Ph.D.


Section I Setting the Context for Systematic Instruction

Chapter 1 Using Systematic Instruction When Teaching Standards in Inclusive Classrooms

Chapter 2 Using Technology with Systematic Instruction

Chapter 3 Involving Others in Implementing Systematic Instruction

Chapter 4 Developing Data Sheets and Collecting Baseline Data

Chapter 5 Using Effective Practices to Teach Learners with Moderate and Severe Disabilities

Section II Delivering Systematic Instruction

Chapter 6 Applying the Principles of ABA to Teach Learners with Moderate and Severe Disabilities

Chapter 7 Using Response Prompting Strategies: Graduated Guidance, Most-to-Least Prompting, and System of Least Prompts

Chapter 8 Using Response Prompting Strategies: Time Delay and Simultaneous Prompting Procedures

Chapter 9 Increasing the Efficiency of Instruction

Chapter 10 Facilitating Maintenance and Generalization

Chapter 11 Making Instructional Decisions and Exercising Leadership

Chapter 11 Appendix: Flowchart for Designing Instructional Programs Using Response Prompting Procedures

Appendix A Sample Programs Using Systematic Instruction

Appendix B Glossary



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Bree Jimenez, Associate Professor of Special Education, The University of Texas at Arlington - June 22, 2021
Even more of a gift than the first edition, this book provides the tools needed to stand tall in our belief that all individuals with moderate and severe disabilities can and will learn when provided quality instruction. This book is the key to high quality-instruction in all settings.
Kevin Ayres, Center for Autism and Behavioral Education Research, The University of Georgia - June 21, 2021
Readers can build an entire classroom instructional program through the straightforward step-by-step process that Dr. Collins provides. The concrete, relatable examples make it easy for educators to strengthen their classroom practices and improve outcomes for their students.
Harold Kleinert, Director Emeritus, Human Development Institute, Professor Emeritus, College of Health Sciences, University of Kentucky - June 21, 2021
This is a seminal text in our field...If I was told that I could use only one text in educating new teachers of students with moderate and severe disabilities, this is the one I would choose.
Jennifer Kurth, Associate Professor, Department of Special Education, University of Kansas - June 21, 2021
[An] informative, resource-rich text...The use of systematic instruction to achieve inclusive lives is at the heart of this book, making it go-to resource for any educator interested in creating high-quality instruction for learners with low-incidence disabilities.
Author: Belva C. Collins Ed.D.   Foreword Author: Erik Carter
This book may be appropriate for courses similar to those listed below.
  • Instructional Methods for Individuals with Moderate/Severe Disabilities
  • Methods and Materials for Students with Low Incidence Disabilities
  • Methods for Teaching Students with Intellectual Disability and Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders

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The Basics of Systematic Instruction for Students With Moderate To Severe Disabilities
This product has additional material available on the Brookes Download Hub.
  • Test Banks
  • PowerPoint Slides
  • Flowcharts
  • Data Sheets

  • Visit the Download Hub for a preview of what’s available.