A Collaborative Approach, Fifth Edition
Educating Students with Severe and Multiple Disabilities
Higher Education
Revised and thoroughly updated, the fifth edition of this cornerstone text of special education training for more than 25 years, will fully prepare current and future professionals to meet the educational, emotional, and health care needs of students with severe and multiple disabilities.
Contains Companion Materials
76542 978-1-59857-654-2
2017 552
Available Stock

A cornerstone of special education training for 30 years, this is the definitive textbook for preparing educators, counselors, and other related services professionals to teach children with severe and multiple disabilities in inclusive settings. Now in a revised, thoroughly updated, and streamlined fifth edition, this bestselling volume gives current and future educators the research and practical strategies they need to ensure the best learning outcomes for their students. Presenting a team-based, collaborative approach to education, this comprehensive text includes valuable contributions from respected experts in diverse fields, including fresh voices in special education, physical therapy, occupational therapy, communication, counseling, and pediatrics. Equally useful for preservice professionals and practicing educators in inclusive classrooms, this highly regarded textbook will fully prepare professionals to meet the educational, emotional, and health care needs of students with severe and multiple disabilities.

  • New chapters on topics essential to effective practice, such as teaching strategies and transition to adulthood
  • Updates based on the latest developments in special education
  • Cutting-edge information on assistive technology and understanding challenging behaviors infused throughout the book
  • New student-friendly features that enhance learning, such as chapter objectives, key terms, reflection questions, and challenging activities
  • Engaging and instructive case stories at the start of each chapter
  • New online course materials, including slides that outline key ideas to remember
  • Helpful new chapter organization that introduces readers to the diverse needs of students with severe and multiple disabilities and follows up with practical teaching strategies

SELECTED TOPICS COVERED: adaptations, accommodations, and modifications * alternate assessments *assistive technology * collaborative learning strategies * communication skills * curriculum design * *IEPs * instructional planning * integration of health care and education programs * nutrition and mealtime considerations * partnerships with parents and families * physical disabilities * sensory disabilities * special health care needs * transition to adulthood

About the Online Companion Materials
About the Editors
About the Contributors
  1. Designing Collaborative Educational Services
  2. Chigee Jan Cloninger
  3. Partnering with Parents and Families
  4. Dick Sobsey
  5. Educating Students with Physical Disabilities
  6. Toby Long and Rachel Brady
  7. Educating Students with Sensory Disabilities
  8. Julie Durando, Deborah Chen, and Jerry Petroff
  9. Educating Children with Special Health Care Needs
  10. Dick Sobsey
  11. Integrating Health Care in Education Programs
  12. Kathryn Wolff Heller
  13. Teaching Communication Skills
  14. Pat Mirenda and June Downing (post.)
  15. Nutrition and Mealtime Considerations
  16. Carole K. Ivey and Dianne Koontz Lowman
  17. Designing and Adapting the Curriculum
  18. Kathleen Gee
  19. Instructing Students with Severe and Multiple Disabilities inInclusive Classrooms
  20. Alice Udvari-Solner, Kate Ahlgren Bouchard, and Kiel Harell
  21. Creating Educational Adaptations, Accommodations, and Modifications
  22. Julie Causton, Alice Udvari-Solner, and Kate MacLeod
  23. Alternate Assessments for Students with Severe and Multiple Disabilities
  24. Harold Kleinert and Jacqueline Farmer Kearns
  25. Transition to Adulthood for Youth with Severe and Multiple Disabilities
  26. Mary Morningstar



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Winnie Dunn, Professor & Chair, Department of Occupational Therapy Education, University of Kansas Medical Center - May 13, 2016
“Our own humanity is reflected in the ways we include others in our everyday lives. When we respectfully explore and implement what makes everyone's life successful and satisfying for them, on their terms, in the places they want to be, a beacon of light shines back on ourselves. This book will show you the way with specific tools so you can fulfill your own vision to be an inclusive, evidence-based and strategic partner in supporting children, their families, and the entire education team.”
Michael Giangreco, Center on Disability & Community Inclusion, University of Vermont - May 13, 2016
“This enduring standard continues to support teams working with students who have severe and multiple disabilities. Experienced and knowledgeable contributors from multiple fields offer a wealth of information translating contemporary research, theory, and their extensive direct experiences into practices that match today's more inclusive contexts. Orleove, Sobsey and Gilles offer a compassionate and creative foundation for constructive collaboration among team members.”
This product has additional material available on the Brookes Download Hub.
  • PowerPoint presentations to accompany each chapter

  • Half a dozen forms and checklists

Visit the Download Hub for a preview of what's available.