Pivotal Response Treatment for Autism Spectrum Disorders
The PRT Pocket Guide
Developed by pioneering autism experts Robert and Lynn Koegel, this reader-friendly guide introduces and demystifies PRT—one of a select group of highly effective, evidence-based treatments for autism.
71059 978-1-59857-105-9
2012 216
Available Stock
What is Pivotal Response Treatment? What's the research behind it, what does it look like in practice, and what are some good examples of how to use it? Now one concise book gives professionals and parents all the basics of the widely used PRT—an empirically supported treatments for autism recognized by the National Professional Development Center on Autism Spectrum Disorders and the National Standards Project.

A great resource for educators, behavior specialists, early interventionists, SLPs, occupational therapists, and families, this reader-friendly pocket guide is the perfect introduction to PRT, the popular approach that uses natural learning opportunities to modify pivotal areas of behavior. Pioneering autism experts Robert and Lynn Koegel speak directly to the reader, demystifying PRT and clearly explaining why it leads to widespread and rapid progress for children.

Filled with helpful tips and many practical examples based on actual children, the book reveals the key principles behind

  • motivating children with natural reinforcers
  • reducing disruptive behavior with PRT
  • encouraging communication and social initiations
  • developing a challenging curriculum that helps children make progress
  • assessing children meaningfully in natural environments
  • closely collaborating with parents on goals and interventions
  • helping families weave interventions into everyday routines
  • ensuring that children generalize skills to other settings
  • decreasing parents' stress and offering positive support

Throughout the book, the Koegels engage readers with down-to-earth guidance based on best practice, true stories from their decades of experience with children and families, and clear explanations of what the research says about PRT. And the end-of-chapter questions for teachers, therapists, and parents reinforce key points and prepare them for effective PRT implementation.

An essential first step in PRT training and a must-have for every member of a child's support team, this quick and practical introduction will get everyone on board with PRT and equip them with the fundamentals they need to use it in the real world.

A featured book in our Better Behavior Kit!

About the Authors
About the Contributor

I. What is the P in PRT?

  1. Treatment of Pivotal Areas
  2. How to Teach the Pivotal Area of Motivation
  3. How to Get Rid of Disruptive Behavior
  4. How to Teach the Pivotal Area of Self-Initiation
II. How and When to Implement Treatment
  1. Maximizing Family Involvement
  2. How to Minimize Parent Stress
  3. Treatment and Assessment in Natural Environments
  4. Making Data Collection Easy in PRT
    with Sarah Kuriakose



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Claire LaZebnik, author of Family and Other Nonreturnable Gifts; co-author of Overcoming Autism and Growing Up on the Spectrum - February 14, 2012
"Pivotal Response Treatment was instrumental in helping my son become the successful, independent college student he is today. Filled with practical procedures and real life examples, this concise, approachable book is the perfect guide for family and team members."
Fred Volkmar, Director, Child Study Center, and Professor, Yale University School of Medicine - February 14, 2012
"An outstanding volume . . . very user friendly, highly informative, and immensely practical. It is a valuable addition to the library of anyone who works with children with autism."
Ami Klin, Director, Marcus Autism Center, Professor & Chief, Division of Autism & Related Disorders, Department of Pediatrics, Emory University School of Medicine - February 14, 2012
"A book that we should all carry with us at all times. Distilling the concepts, methods, enormous achievements, and empirical grounding of PRT, these master clinicians provide us with an invaluable resource to improve the lives of young children with autism spectrum disorders."
Howard Taras, School District Physician Consultant and Professor of Pediatrics, University of California - San Diego - February 14, 2012
"This guide is a must-have . . . It describes an intervention that is not only logical, but proven. Prescribed ways to interact with one's child requires patience and practice. There is no magic bullet, but there PRT offers true help and hope."
Travis Thompson, University of Minnesota - February 14, 2012
"Among the best books I've read on naturalistic intervention strategies based on evidence-based practices. Immensely readable with oodles of concrete examples and great illustrations, while strongly rooted in solid scientific principles. A gem from Bob and Lynn Koegel."
Glen Dunlap, University of South Florida and University of Nevada, Reno - February 14, 2012
"By far the clearest, most useable, and most engaging description of PRT produced to date. Kudos to the Koegels for giving us a hugely valuable book that will be a treasure for all families and professionals affected by autism."
Jeffrey Wood, UCLA Associate Professor in the Departments of Education and Psychiatry and Biobehavioral Sciences - February 14, 2012
"A comprehensive, fascinating description of the rationale for PRT, as well as a clinically rich description of the 'how tos.' This should be required reading for all involved in the lives of children with ASD."
Laurie Vismara, Assistant Research Scientist, UC Davis MIND Institute - February 14, 2012
"In this valuable, hands-on guide, Robert and Lynn Koegel bring a wealth of practical clinical experience and scientific knowledge to help parents and professionals understand how to develop the motivation and desire to learn in children with autism."
V. Mark Durand, Professor of Psychology, co-editor, Journal of Positive Behavior Interventions, University of South Florida St. Petersburg - February 14, 2012
"Provides an insider's view of Bob and Lynn Koegel's pioneering work with children on the autism spectrum. A terrific guide that will be immensely popular among parents, teachers and others."
Pat Mirenda, Professor, Department of Educational & Counselling Psychology and Special Education, University of British Columbia, Vancouver - February 14, 2012
"PRT is based on decades of solid research demonstrating that it is possible to produce 'big gains without pain'' n the treatment of children with autism. In this easy-to-read summary of the key elements of PRT, the Koegels have demonstrated once again that they understand both children with autism and the important role their family members play in intervention."
Ilene Schwartz, Director, Haring Center for Applied Research and Training in Education, University of Washington - February 14, 2012
"This valuable handbook is going to become a go-to book for teachers and parents who want to provide evidence-based interventions for children with autism in natural settings."
Samuel Odom, Director, FPG Child Development Institute, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill - February 14, 2012
"A pivotal book on PRT . . . translate[s] scientific and clinical evidence into practical procedures that practitioners and parents will find meaningful and effective."
Joan Hersh, Teacher, Preschool Blended Program, Fountain Valley School District, California - February 14, 2012
"Provides practical and essential information for all service providers. It's a source I will definitely refer to over and over again."
Anna Burke, Coordinator, Cape Breton Community Respite, Society for Treatment of Autism, Sydney, Nova Scotia - February 14, 2012
"Step-by-step guidance through the treatment process, enhanced by examples and anecdotes from real life. It is a practical, user-friendly resource."
Areva Martin, Founder and President, Special Needs Network, Inc.; author of The Everyday Advocate: How to Stand Up for Your Child with Autism and Other Special Needs - February 14, 2012
"Lynn and Robert Koegel are by far the most authoritative voices in the field of autism diagnosis and treatment. Their long-awaited book on PRT is a must-read for parents and professionals caring for children with autism spectrum disorders."
Joseph Lucyshyn, University of British Columbia, Vancouver - February 14, 2012
"A highly accessible and imminently practical description of PRT and its use in everyday settings. Through multiple and compelling examples of the effective use of PRT in home, school, and community settings, the authors bring to life the key components of this well established, evidence-based approach."
Connie Kasari, Professor, Center for Autism Research & Treatment, Semel Institute, University of California, Los Angeles - February 14, 2012
"This handy reference about one of the most studied and proven intervention methods for children with an autism spectrum disorder is sure to be the 'go to' reference in everyone's library!"
Andrew Egel, University of Maryland, College Park - February 14, 2012
"A comprehensive review of PRT, emphasizing the empirical nature of PRT, providing a detailed map of how PRT should be implemented, and detailing the substantial impact that PRT can have on individuals with ASD. It is an ideal source for teachers and parents who want to add and/or expand their use of PRT."
Daniel Openden, Southwest Autism Research & Resource Center (SARRC) - February 14, 2012
"Translates over 25 years of research into practice, making it easier for parents, teachers, and treatment providers to implement PRT and improve outcomes for more children and families."
Volume Editor: Robert L. Koegel Ph.D.   Author: Lynn Kern Koegel Ph.D., CCC-SLP   Chapter Author: Sarah Kuriakose