The Instructional Coach's Guide to Supporting Student Success Through Teacher Collaboration
Student-Focused Coaching

A widely used, highly effective approach to student success, Student-Focused Coaching (SFC) helps instructional coaches and teachers work collaboratively to improve student outcomes using evidence-based practices. This is your one-stop, step-by-step guide to instructional coaching in K–12 schools using the field-tested, research-based SFC model.

Contains Companion Materials
54944 978-1-68125-494-4
2021 232
Available Stock

A widely used, highly effective approach to student success, Student-Focused Coaching (SFC) helps instructional coaches and teachers work collaboratively to improve student outcomes using evidence-based practices. This is your one-stop, step-by-step guide to instructional coaching in K–12 schools using the field-tested, research-based SFC model.

Featuring a foreword by Jim Knight, the leading voice on instructional coaching, this book was coauthored by the lead developer of the SFC model (Jan Hasbrouck) and an experienced instructional coach and trainer (Daryl Michel). These expert authors help you master the three key roles of coaching: Facilitator, Collaborative Problem-Solver, and Teacher/Learner. You’ll discover how to build respectful and mutually beneficial professional relationships with every teacher—from the most eager to the most reluctant—and work together to help all students learn and thrive in the classroom. To help you put the SFC model into action, the book offers practical activities and materials, including application exercises, reflection exercises, virtual coaching tips, and 20+ pages of ready-to-use downloadable forms.


  • Partner with teachers to tackle a range of classroom challenges—academic, behavioral, and social-emotional
  • Develop collaborative communication skills to help you navigate even the most challenging conversations
  • Work with teachers to set and achieve goals by identifying, selecting, and implementing evidence-based interventions
  • Help teachers support struggling students with goal-based, targeted, and intensive instruction
  • Improve time management skills using a four-step, systematic problem-solving process
  • Collect different types of data and use it to give helpful feedback to the teachers you work with
  • Design continuous professional learning opportunities that meet individual teacher needs
  • Deliver support to administrators to make the most of the benefits coaches can provide


PRACTICAL DOWNLOADS: The book includes access to 20+ pages of downloadable materials for coaches, including worksheets, checklists, tracking sheets, and self-assessments.

About the Online Materials
About the Authors
Chapter 1 Overview of Coaching
Chapter 2 Getting Started as a SFC Coach
Chapter 3 The Facilitator Role
Chapter 4 Communicating for Collaboration
Chapter 5 Managing Time
Chapter 6 The Collaborative Problem Solver Role & the SFC Collaborative Problem-Solving Process
Chapter 7 Team Problem-Solving Process
Chapter 8 Gathering Information for Problem Solving
Chapter 9 Developing, Supporting, and Evaluating Effective Interventions
Chapter 10 The Teacher/Learner Role – Designing and Providing Effective Professional Learning
Chapter 11 Delivering Effective Instruction and Intervention
Chapter 12 Working with Administrator Partners


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Deb Glaser, The Reading Teacher's Top Ten Tools - August 31, 2021
This text will be the coach for coaches! It contains a wealth of information and guidance to raise the bar on collaboration models in our schools
Martha Hougen, author of Fundamentals of Literacy Instruction & Assessment, Pre-K–6, Second Edition and The Fundamentals of Literacy Assessment & Instruction, 6–12 - August 26, 2021

Hasbrouck & Michel provide guidelines to support teachers to implement effective research-based instructional practices and improve student achievement. When coaches, school leaders and teachers apply the principles of student-focused coaching, student outcomes improve. Communication strategies, virtual coaching tips, reflections, and application exercises engage the reader and ensure the coaching relationship is collaborative and productive. A must for any educator who wants to be the best they can be.

Carol Tolman, Co-Author with Dr. Louisa Moats of LETRS, 3rd ed. (Language Essentials for Teachers of Reading and Spelling) - August 26, 2021

Practical, reflective, and with razor-sharp focus on student outcomes, Hasbrouck and Michel weave just the right amount of research and theory into this easy-to-access, indispensable coaching resource. A must-read for coaches and the administrators who support them.

Molly Alcantar, Instructional Coach, Washington Elementary School, Vancouver Public Schools - August 21, 2021

This book is an incredibly practical and interactive resource for any instructional Coach, whether or not they are new in their role, a seasoned veteran or anywhere in-between. The focus on maximizing teacher effectiveness in order to increase student success is critical and this book is an invaluable resource that coaches will reach for again and again!"

Authors: Jan Hasbrouck Ph.D., Daryl Michel Ph.D.   Foreword Author: Jim Knight
This title has additional material available on the Brookes Download Hub.
  • Worksheets
  • Checklists
  • Tracking Sheets
  • Self-assessments
Visit the Download Hub for a preview of what’s available.