A Practical Guide to Transition Planning
Preparing Students with Disabilities for College Success
Special Education
College success-put it within reach for students with mild to moderate, non-visible disabilities. This cutting-edge book balances current research with the most practical guidance available on making a smooth transition to college and ensuring the best academic and social outcomes.
70168 978-1-59857-016-8
2010 312
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For students with mild to moderate, non-visible disabilities, navigating a college education without the support team they had in high school can be challenging. Help students become effective self-advocates and maximize their postsecondary possibilities with this cutting-edge book, which balances current research with the most practical guidance to date on this topic.

Readers will discover how to:

  • Help students find the right college and navigate the admissions process
  • Teach students how to ask for what they need to succeed
  • Determine student eligibility for services and accommodations
  • Explain what the laws mean for students leaving high school
  • Provide comprehensive academic and behavioral supports
  • Implement school-wide supports that promote the development of students' academic and social skills within the general education curriculum
  • Work with families to foster effective transition planning
  • Equalize access and increase opportunities with self-determination
  • Select supportive technology

Readers will learn how early, coordinated, student-centered planning helps students develop the academic and personal skills required to successfully transition to college. User-friendly checklists, tip boxes, activities, and illustrative vignettes translate extensive research into immediate practice with students and families.

Secondary transition personnel, counselors, and educators in high school settings will turn to this book first for comprehensive, accessible information on helping students transition to college—and lay the critical groundwork for future employment success.

Help students with high-incidence or hidden disabilities such as:

  • learning disabilities
  • autism spectrum disorders
  • ADHD
  • speech/language disorders
  • emotional disturbances

About the Editors and Contributors
Foreword Gary M. Clark

  1. Introduction
    Joseph W. Madaus, Stan F. Shaw, & Lyman L. Dukes, III

  2. Considerations for the Transition to College
    Joan M. McGuire

  3. Let's Be Reasonable: Accommodations at the College Level
    Joseph W. Madaus

  4. Teaching Students with Disabilities Self-Determination Skills to Equalize Access and Increase Opportunities for Postsecondary Educational Success
    James E. Martin, Juan Portley, & John W. Graham

  5. Using a Schoolwide Model to Foster Successful Transition to College: Providing Comprehensive Academic and Behavioral Supports to All Learners
    Michael Faggella-Luby, K. Brigid Flannery, & Brandi Simonsen

  6. Technology Trends and Transition for Students with Disabilities

  7. How Secondary Personnel Can Work with Families to Foster Effective Transition Planning
    Carol A. Kochhar-Bryant

  8. Gathering Data to Determine Eligibility for Services and Accommodations
    Lyman L. Dukes, III

  9. The College Search
    Nick Elksnin & Linda K. Elksnin

  10. Helping Students with Disabilities Navigate the College Admissions Process
    Manju Banerjee & Loring C. Brinckerhoff

  11. Planning for the Transition to College
    Stan F. Shaw



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: Quality Mall - July 1, 2010
: College Bound - June 1, 2010
resource listing only
: The Midwest Book Review - Library Bookwatch - February 1, 2010
"A fine and highly recommended reference not to be missed."
: Quality Mall - February 1, 2010
Jeanne M. Kincaid, disability attorney and consultant; member of New Hampshire and Maine Bar Associations - November 1, 2009
"Everything you ever need to know to enhance the success of students with disabilities seeking to attend college . . . Since successful transition is a by-product of collaboration, this book will serve as a valuable resource in that effort."
Elizabeth Evans Getzel, Director of Postsecondary Education Initiatives, VCU-RRTC - November 1, 2009
"Essential for all involved in the transition to postsecondary education. A great resource needed by students with disabilities to successfully transition to and remain in college."
Larry Kortering, Professor, Special Education, Appalachian State University - November 1, 2009
"Finally, we now have a text that helps us to better understand how to prepare our students with disabilities for success in college. Given the emerging importance of a college education the arrival of such a text could not be more timely."
Sheldon H. Horowitz, Director of Professional Services, National Center for Learning Disabilities - November 1, 2009
"An up-to-date, comprehensive overview of the unique challenges and opportunities that define the post-secondary transition process. Filled with practical advice, examples and recommendations, it is a valuable resource."
Loring C. Brinckerhoff, Director, Office of Disability Policy, Educational Testing Service - November 1, 2009
"A comprehensive look at the complexities that students with disabilities face in the transition from high school to college . . . offers numerous practical solutions based on cutting-edge research and sound pedagogical practices."
Charles Hughes, Professor of Special Education, Penn State University - November 1, 2009
"A must-read . . . contains highly useful information compiled by the leading researchers and practitioners in the field."