Postsecondary Education Options for Students with Intellectual Disabilities
Think College!
Help students with intellectual disabilities succeed in college with this comprehensive resource. You'll discover the big picture of today's postsecondary options and learn how to support students with disabilities before, during, and after a successful transition to college.
69179 978-1-55766-917-9
2010 344
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As the Higher Education Opportunity Act opens the door to more options and supports, more and more students with intellectual disabilities are "thinking college." That means high schools, colleges, and universities must be fully prepared to meet the needs of students with disabilities—and this comprehensive resource is just what they need. Developed by two of the most respected experts on this hot topic, this book uncovers the big picture of today's postsecondary options and reveals how to support students with disabilities before, during, and after a successful transition to college.

A critical resource for education professionals to read and share with families, Think College helps readers

  • understand the three current models for postsecondary education (PSE): inclusive individual supports; substantially separate, noninclusive classes; and hybrid approaches
  • overcome the common challenges and barriers to PSE for students with significant disabilities
  • plan effective, person-centered transition services for high school students as they pursue PSE
  • support students as they manage the practical aspects of a positive PSE experience
  • connect students' PSE experiences directly to employment and their other individual life goals
  • discover how exciting legislation and policy changes will affect future PSE options

Throughout the book, vignettes and first-person narratives from students and families underscore the benefits and challenges of PSE, and detailed profiles of real programs illustrate what a wide range of postsecondary options look like.

Readers will also get the helpful tools they need to create effective programs and ease students' transition to PSE, including a self-advocacy checklist, a program evaluation tool, sample student schedules, and a college-planning checklist for students and families.

With this thorough guide to today's PSE options and tomorrow's possibilities, professionals will help students with intellectual disabilities take full advantage of their educational opportunities—and set the stage for a successful, fulfilling community life.

Insights professionals need to help students

  • access college coursework
  • request accommodations
  • work well with faculty
  • set educational goals
  • assess progress
  • develop social relationships
  • evaluate employment opportunities
  • participate in work-based learning experiences
  • secure paid employment
  • and more

Table of Contents

About the Authors

About the Contributors




Chapter 1: Postsecondary Education: The Next Frontier for Individuals with Intellectual Disabilities
Meg Grigal, Debra Hart, and Maria Paiewonsky

Chapter 2: The Role of Legislation, Advocacy, and Systems Change in Promoting Postsecondary Opportunities for Students with Intellectual Disabilities
Stephanie Smith Lee and Madeleine Will

Chapter 3: The Spectrum of Options—Current Practices
Debra Hart and Meg Grigal

Chapter 4: Local School System Perspectives
Maria Paiewonsky and Jerri Roach Ostergard

Chapter 5: College Perspectives and Issues
Laura Eisenman and Karen Mancini

Chapter 6: Student and Family Perspectives
Amy Dwyre, Meg Grigal, and Janice Fialka

Chapter 7: Critical Components for Planning and Implementing Dual Enrollment and Other Postsecondary Education Experiences
Meg Grigal and Debra Hart

Chapter 8: The Missing Link: The Importance of Employment

Meg Grigal and Debra Hart

Chapter 9: Preparing for What? Postsecondary Education Employment and Community Participation
Richard Luecking

Chapter 10: What the Future Holds
Meg Grigal and Debra Hart



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: Research and Practice for Persons with Severe Disabilities - July 22, 2011
"Breaks new ground by sonsolidating what research has to offer in 2010 and provides a snapshot of the future."
: Quality Mall - January 1, 2011
: Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders - December 14, 2010
"This book should be used by every high school and college professional working with students with ID and their families."
: Special Needs Children - December 7, 2010
"[An] encouraging read, especially when so many books about the transition from school to adulthood focus on the limitations that define this next stage of life for our kids."
: Book News, Inc. - December 1, 2010
George Jesien, Executive Director, Association of University Centers on Disabilities (AUCD) - March 3, 2010
"Tremendous . . . will become a milestone in the field filled with both concrete information and materials as well as a vision and plan for the future."
Paul Wehman, Ph.D., Professor of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation, Virginia Commonwealth University - May 26, 2009

"Rarely does a book come along that breaks totally new ground like Grigal and Hart have done in Think College. The material is state-of-the-art original, and highly creative in presenting strategies that work . . . A must read!"

Michael L. Wehmeyer, Ph.D., Professor, Department of Special Education; Director, Kansas University Center on Developmental Disabilities; Senior Scientist, Beach Center on Disability, University of Kansas - May 26, 2009
"One cannot read Think College and continue to ignore the importance of postsecondary education for students with intellectual disability, nor fail to appreciate the potential such options have to enable students with intellectual disability to live richer, fuller lives."
M. Sherril Moon, Ed.D., Professor, Department of Special Education, University of Maryland, College Park - May 26, 2009
"A very timely, comprehensive, and practitioner-friendly guide to implementing or improving postsecondary services for students with ID."