A Resource for Educators
Common Core, Bilingual and English Language Learners
Special Education, K-12
Common Core, Bilingual and English Language Learners is for pre-service and practicing administrators, teachers, staff developers, instructional coaches, leadership teams, and policymakers who are working to implement college- and career-ready standards equitably in contexts of linguistic and cultural diversity.

Contains Companion Materials
00175 978-1-934000-17-5
2015 320
Available Stock
Common Core, Bilingual and English Language Learners is for pre-service and practicing administrators, teachers, staff developers, instructional coaches, leadership teams, and policymakers who are working to implement college- and career-ready standards equitably in contexts of linguistic and cultural diversity.

Valdés, Menken, and Castro, along with 130 experts, provide brief, pedagogically sound, practical answers to 95 questions that educators are asking about CCSS and English language learners (ELLs) and emergent bilinguals (EBs). Educators can...

  • Turn to this guide as a quick reference
  • Use expert responses for syntheses of critical issues facing educators today, with suggestions for concrete action steps
  • Focus and sustain professional learning about content, language, and literacy instruction for bilingual and English language learners
  • Guide site-based projects on curriculum development, language policy and planning, and authentic assessment and accountability systems for diverse learners
  • Turn to additional resources on the Caslon Community to support their work.

Be sure to go to the table of contents to see the list of questions and experts—it's a veritable who’s who in the field!

1 Terrain and Landscape

2 Fundamental Language Issues

3 Family and Community Participation

4 Policy, Leadership, and Advocacy

5 Teaching and Learning

6 Professional Learning

7 Assessment and Accountability


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Sherr Vasinda, Oklahoma State University - March 4, 2022
I used this text during my summer online course this year and my students and I both learned so much. The questions and the surveys were eye-opening. Thanks for publishing a great text.
Josephine Arce, EED Chair & Professor, San Francisco State University - March 2, 2022
I think it is a great book. Some of the articles apply more to graduate students and a few for multiple subject credential students.
Authors: Guadalupe Valdés Ph.D., Kate Menken, Mariana Castro, Jill Kerper Mora Ed.D.   Invited Contributors: Jamal Abdei, Ujju Aggarwal, Erin Arrango Escalante, Alfredo J. Artiles, Laura Ascenzi-Moreno, Diane August, Alison L. Bailey, Lilia Bartolomé, Karen Beeman, Penny Bird, Rebecca Blum Martinez, Tim Boals, María Estel Brisk, George Bunch, Sandra Butvilofsky, Sandra Canagarajah, David Cassels Johnson, Mariana Castro, Sylvia Celedón-Pattichis, Anne H Charity Hudley, Nancy Commins, H. Gary Cook, Anna Cooper, Byron Darnall, Ester De Jong, L. Quentin Dixon, Silvia Dorta-Duque De Reyes, Margot Downs, Andrea Dyrness, Carole Edelsky, Kathy Escamilla, Marjorie Faulstich Orellana, Rebecca Field, Nelson Flores, Cathy Fox, Salvador Gabaldón, Ofelia García, James Gee, Sarah Gil, Claude Goldenberg, Mileidis Gort, Margo Gottlieb, Michael F. Graves, Danielle A. Guzman-Orth, Kenji Hakuta, Anna Halverson, Young-Chan Han, Holly Hansen-Thomas, Lisa Harmon-Martinez, Beth Harry, Margaret R. Hawkins, Sera Jean Hernandez, John Hilliard, Don Hones, Susan Hopewell, Victoria K. Hunt, Susana Ibarra Johnson, Mishelle Jurado, Amanda Kibler, Tatyana Kleyn, Stephen Krashen, Heidi LaMare, Juliet Langman, Diane Larsen-Freeman, Magaly Lavadenz, Jodi Lawrence, Ohkee Lee, Stacey Lee, Robert Linquanti, Robin Liten-Tejada, Lorena Llosa, Gilberto Lobo, Alexis Lopez, Marylin Low, Lorena Mancilla, Joanne Marino, Barbara Marler, Maya A. Martinez-Hart, Douglas S. Massey, Suzanna McNamara, Kate Menken, Trish Morita-Mullaney, Judit Moschkovich, Olivia Mulcahy, Monty Neill, Shondel Nero, Diep Nguyen, David Nieto, Edward M. Olivos, C. Patrick Proctor, Mari Rasmussen, Ruth Reinl, Christy Reveles, Kristina Robertson, Katherine C. Rodela, Rubén Rumbaut, Maria Santos, Jamie Schissel, Kate Seltzer, Timothy Shanahan, Sheila M. Shannon, Chris Sims, Annie Smith, Catherine Snow, Guillermo Solano-Flores, Ronald W. Solórzano, Shelly Spiegel-Coleman, Lydia Stack, Diane Staehr Fenner, Lorrie Stoops Verplaetse, Claire Sylvan, Edward Tabet-Cubero, Sultan Turkan, Valdes Guadalupe, Wilma Valero, Patricia Velasco, Aida Walqui, Terrence G. Wiley, Thad Williams, Lilly Wong Filmore, Wayne Wright, Josie Yanguas, Holly Yettick, Debbie Zacarian   Illustrator: Cheryl Urow