A Guide for Administrators and Teachers
Assessment and Accountability in Language Education Programs
Communication and Language, Special Education
This groundbreaking book provides a field-tested approach to accountability for ELLs. Gottlieb and Nguyen propose the BASIC (Balanced Assessment and Accountability System, Inclusive and Comprehensive) model. This model is research based and grounded in practice. It relies on multiple forms of assessment data from multiple stakeholders that yield a body of evidence on language learners’ learning and academic achievement.
Contains Companion Materials
50776 978-0-9727507-7-6
2007 256
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Administrators and teachers need defensible evidence of English language learners’ growth and achievement to drive their decision making!

This groundbreaking book provides a field-tested approach to accountability for ELLs. Gottlieb and Nguyen propose the BASIC (Balanced Assessment and Accountability System, Inclusive and Comprehensive) model. This model is research based and grounded in practice. It relies on multiple forms of assessment data from multiple stakeholders that yield a body of evidence on language learners’ learning and academic achievement.

This user-friendly guide exemplifies how to plan, collect, analyze, and use evidence of students’ language development and academic achievement to
  • Respond to external accountability requirements
  • Guide classroom instruction
  • Improve programs for language learners
  • Inform school and district level policymaking
  • Strengthen advocacy efforts on behalf of language learners

Gottlieb and Nguyen document how teachers and administrators in a linguistically and culturally diverse school district collaborate in the design of an assessment system for their language education programs, and they show us how educators use evidence of student performance to inform their decisions. Central to their work is the pivotal portfolio, something new in the assessment literature. The pivotal portfolio is different from the traditional portfolio in that it follows the student for the length of the student’s participation in the language education program and it contains evidence gathered by collaborating teachers of essential student learning and achievement. The text is brought to life through the voices of teachers, samples from student portfolios, and longitudinal data on program effectiveness.

The book includes worksheets that guide administrators and teachers’ efforts to develop and implement a research-based assessment and accountability system that is appropriate for language education programs (dual language, transitional bilingual, and English as a second language) in their districts and schools.

This guide is ideal for study and implementation by professional learning communities (PLCs) and teacher/administrator leadership teams!

Chapter 1: Assessment and Accountability in Language Education Programs: National and Local Perspectives

Chapter 2: The BASIC Model for Language Education Programs

Chapter 3: Developing a Comprehensive Assessment Framework for Language Education Programs

Chapter 4: Using the Pivotal Portfolio to Profile Student Learning

Chapter 5: Using Evidence to Drive Decision Making in Dual Language Programs

Chapter 6: Using Evidence to Drive Decision Making in Transitional Bilingual Programs

Chapter 7: Developing an Evaluation Framework for Language Education Programs

Chapter 8: Making It Work in Your Language Education Program: Lessons from the Field





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Nancy Commins - March 2, 2022
This wonderful book could not have appeared at a better time. We are most fortunate that Margo Gottlieb and Diep Nguyen have created a rational and durable framework for orchestrating the competing demands on educators for accountability, program improvement, and appropriate classroom instruction. They delineate the complex issues of assessment in linguistically diverse settings and adeptly address the different dimensions along which educators are asked to evaluate their students and their programs.
More importantly, they provide a blueprint for the creation of a comprehensive assessment system, gained through the application of their ideas in practice. Their work is predicated upon the premise that assessment is done at different levels for different purposes, all of which are valid. There is not a hierarchy in which some are the real or most important assessments, but rather the different dimensions function in a dynamic relationship that is constantly evolving..
Christine Coombe - March 2, 2022
A clear strength of this volume is the clarity in the presentation of the information and the reader-friendly graphs and charts.
At a time when educators experience the competing demands of accountability, program improvement and appropriate classroom instruction, this volume presents complex assessment issues from a variety of diverse perspectives and offers solutions at all levels.
Research is also at the fore...where Gottlieb & Nguyen draw on empirical evidence to promote their BASIC model. They describe research-based principles of assessment that help define the nature, role, and uses of different kinds of data that might be acquired through formal and informal assessments.
Even though the target audience for the Gottlieb & Nguyen book is administrators and teachers, I feel that it is very accessible for the average classroom teacher. This is helped by the initial features of the chapters 'Chapter overview', 'Guiding questions' and 'Key concepts', and those at the end, 'Questions for reflection and action'.
Authors: Margo Gottlieb Ph.D., Diep Nguyen Ph.D.   Foreword Author: Nancy Cummins