Betsy Ayankoya, M.Ed.
Ms. Ayankoya is a native North Carolinian, raised by her maternal grandparents (Rosa F. and John
Johnson), who were share croppers, until her early elementary years. Her interest in culture began
on that farm with aunts, uncles, and cousins who came for months at a time during harvest seasons.
In Washington, D.C., she met her husband, Tai, and they lived for 4½ years in his home community in Ibadan, in Nigeria. Even though it was a different country, the culture of extended family felt very familiar. These experiences, as well as those of their own children, have led to her belief that early life experiences should foster positive self-regard in one’s own culture and positive attitudes toward the culture of others.
Since 1992, Ms. Ayankoya has provided consultation to early childhood projects and state administrators in program development, planning, and improvement related to young children with disabilities and their families. She played a key role in two national early intervention personnel preparation projects and served as Co-principal Investigator for New Voices ~ Nuevas Voces. Her work history includes university teaching, conference planning and management, professional development, and training.
Ms. Ayankoya has served on numerous national advisory boards, served on the executive board as past Governor for the Division for Early Childhood (DEC), and served on the Representative Assembly of the Council for Exceptional Children. She currently serves on the DEC multicultural activities, nominations, and awards committees. Her expertise lies in the areas of cultural/linguistic diversity, professional development, family-centered services, and general supervision.