A Guide for PreK-3 Leaders
Young Dual Language Learners
Early Childhood, Communication and Language, Special Education
This practitioner friendly guide helps all constituents navigate the landscape of early childhood education in linguistically and culturally responsive ways. It addresses such topics as the role of a child’s home language in the educational process, proper identification of young dual language learners (DLLs); standards and regulations, customizing instructional programs, interviewing and staffing, leadership and professional development, collaborating effectively with families and communities, and many more.
Contains Companion Materials
00144 978-1-934000-14-4
2014 192
Available Stock
Young Dual Language Learners provides clear and concise expert responses to questions that early childhood and elementary education administrators and preschool directors are asking about educating young children who come from homes where languages other than English are spoken. This practitioner friendly guide helps all constituents navigate the landscape of early childhood education in linguistically and culturally responsive ways. It addresses such topics as the role of a child’s home language in the educational process, proper identification of young dual language learners (DLLs); standards and regulations, customizing instructional programs, interviewing and staffing, leadership and professional development, collaborating effectively with families and communities, and many more.

Special Features


  • Key Considerations for Language Plan introduces every chapter.
  • Over 70 practitioner questions and expert responses offer research-based, pedagogically sound recommendations and strategies educating young DLLs in early childhood programs.
  • Questions for Reflection help readers connect expert answers to their own practices.
  • Applications templates help administrators and leadership teams apply key concepts to their local preK–3 educational contexts.
The book is structured to encourage productive conversations among book study groups and guide action among leadership teams. Educators can use the Key Considerations for Language Plan that opens each chapter to review what is already happening in their school relative to the chapter topic and to identify areas that they want to target for improvement. Educators can turn to expert responses in the chapters to answer their questions and guide their work. Leadership teams can use the application templates at the end of each chapter to customize their approach to providing quality early childhood programs that place young DLLs on an equitable path to educational success.
Chapter 1: Leadership and Professional Development
Chapter 2: Identification and Planning
Chapter 3: How Young Children Learn in Two or More Languages
Chapter 4: Developing Instructional Programs for Young Dual Language Learners
Chapter 5: Policies, Accountability, and Program Effectiveness
Chapter 6: Working Effectively with Families, the Community, and Volunteers


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Luisa Palomo, Omaha Public Schools - March 4, 2022
We have found your book so informative as we engage in strategic planning for @OmahaPubSchool DL! Tweeted on May 23, 2017