Quick Interactive Language Screener™: English–Spanish (QUILS™: ES)
Early Childhood
The Quick Interactive Language Screener™: English–Spanish (QUILS™: ES) is a web–based, game-like screener for probing the language skills of English—Spanish bilingual children. Developed for use with children from ages 3 through 5 years, QUILS: ES measures not only language products (what the child already knows in both languages) but also language processes (how the child learns new words and grammar structures).
52346 978-1-68125-234-6
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How can you tell if young bilingual children are making age-appropriate language progress? Use the Quick Interactive Language Screener™: English–Spanish (QUILS™: ES), a web-based, game-like screener for probing the language skills of English–Spanish bilingual children. Developed for use with children from ages 3 through 5 years, QUILS: ES measures not only language products (what the child already knows in both languages) but also language processes (how the child learns new words and grammar structures).

Like the QUILS screener for children whose primary language is English, QUILS: ES looks at three critical areas:
  • Vocabulary: What words do children already know?
  • Syntax: What do children understand about how words go together in sentences?
  • Process: How skilled are children at learning new language items?

To give an accurate, comprehensive picture of the skills of bilingual children, QUILS: ES consists of separate English and Spanish sections. The screener uses the child's highest score per skill type across both the English and Spanish sections to derive their Best Overall Score and their Best Scores for each of the three areas. The English and Spanish section of QUILS: ES were carefully developed to reflect the variability in grammar rules and word meanings across both languages. The English section is different from the monolingual QUILS and includes all new items, specifically chosen to complement the Spanish section.

Sign up for a free trial and discover how QUILS: ES stands apart from all other language screeners.


  • Measures what's important: QUILS: ES screens key domains of language knowledge that predict a young child's later academic success.
  • Offers a full picture of language development: The language skills of bilingual children are distributed across the two languages they're learning. That's why QUILS: ES measures performance in English and Spanish separately and uses best performance—so you'll have a complete picture of your students' language skills.
  • Compares bilingual children to their peers. Because QUILS: ES compares a child's progress to that of other young children exposed to both English and Spanish, it's sensitive enough to pinpoint potential language delays and difficulties in bilingual children.
  • Expert-developed, research-based, culturally neutral. QUILS: ES was normed on bilingual English–Spanish students. All items were chosen by child language development experts and based on current research. Native Spanish-speaking experts of the most common Spanish dialects spoken in the U.S. evaluated each item on the screener to reduce bias for any specific dialect.
  • No special training required. QUILS: ES is administered one-to-one, and students can complete it with just a little supervision from any teacher, paraprofessional, parent, or classroom volunteer.
  • No need to be fluent in Spanish. The adult supervising QUILS: ES doesn't need to be a Spanish speaker as delivery and scoring are automatic. The narration and instruction to the student are in Spanish, but instructions for the supervisor are in English, and each section of the screener progresses automatically unless the supervisor pauses it.
  • Fun and engaging for kids. With its interactive items and cute cartoon illustrations, QUILS: ES hooks young children's attention.
  • Accurate and time-saving. Because QUILS: ES is automated, it's delivered the same way to all students, and answers are instantly recorded and stored. Automatically generated scores and reports save time for busy teachers and others who may supervise the screening.
  • Easy data management. With QUILS: ES, you can upload multiple students into the system at once instead of entering each one individually, and the system makes it simple to export raw data for all students.
  • Easy management of multiple accounts. With QUILS: ES, your group's multiple accounts can be linked—making it easier to upload students across all your accounts, manage which teachers see which students, and view Group Reports for all students in your program.

Once your purchase has been processed, you will receive your QUILS:ES login information within 12 business hours via email. Please be sure to check your Junk folder.

QUILS: ES At A Glance

What is QUILS: ES? A web-based language screener that measures vocabulary, syntax, and process.

Who is it for? English–Spanish bilingual children ages 3:0 through 5:11 years old.

Who completes it? The child, with supervision from a teacher, paraprofessional, or classroom volunteer.

What do you need? A tablet, laptop, or desktop with touchscreen technology and Internet access. (For answers to technical questions, see this QUILS FAQ page.)

How long does it take? About 15–20 minutes for each of the sections (English and Spanish).


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