A Comprehensive Guide to Evidence-Based Instruction
Literacy Foundations for English Learners
Special Education
An essential text for courses on literacy foundations and biliteracy—and an ideal in-service professional development resource—this accessible book will give teachers the knowledge base they need to help English learners develop strong literacy skills and achieve academic success.
Contains Companion Materials
79659 978-1-59857-965-9
2020 264
Available Stock
More than 5 million English learners attend U.S. public schools—and yet fewer than 3% of teachers are certified to work with them. Fill that gap in teacher education with this practical and comprehensive textbook, an evidence-based guide to providing English learners in Pre-K–Grade 6 with explicit, systematic instruction on language and literacy fundamentals.

Aligned with IDA's Knowledge and Practice Standards, this book prepares current and future educators to teach English learners the key components of language and literacy, as first described in the National Literacy Panel report. For each component, teachers will get a dedicated chapter with research-based insights on how to teach English learners, guidance on making connections across languages when teaching that component, and ready-to-use principles and strategies for instruction. Learning objectives, study questions, and extended application activities help educators grow their knowledge and apply it in their classrooms.

An essential text for courses on literacy foundations and biliteracy—and an ideal in-service professional development resource—this accessible book will give teachers the knowledge base they need to help English learners develop strong literacy skills and achieve academic success.

  • Enter their classroom with a full understanding of the language and literacy development of English learners
  • Teach English learners the key components of language and literacy: phonological awareness, phonics, vocabulary, fluency, comprehension, spelling, and writing skills
  • Apply insights from current, reliable research on how best to teach English learners
  • Use specific, evidence-based principles, strategies, activities, and sample teacher–student dialogues to guide and strengthen instruction
  • Leverage technology to adapt and enhance instruction for English learners

ONLINE COMPANION MATERIALS INCLUDED: Faculty will get helpful PowerPoint slides for each chapter, plus a sample syllabus that shows you how to use this book in your course.

About the Online Materials
About the Editor
About the Contributors.
Foreword  Sharon Vaughn

I   Introduction to English Learners, Language, and Literacy
1  Teaching Literacy Skills to English Learners
  Elsa Cárdenas-Hagan

2   Language and Literacy Development
  Elsa Cárdenas-Hagan

3   Components of Literacy Instruction for English Learners
  Eric Tridas

II  The Components of Literacy and English Learners
4  Phonological Awareness Development Among English Learners
  Virginia Lovelace-Gonzalez

5  Phonics Development Among English Learners
  Kenneth Nieser and Elsa Cárdenas-Hagan

6   Reading Fluency Among English Learners
  Coleen D. Carlson

7   Vocabulary Instruction Among English Learners
  Sharolyn D. Pollard-Durodola

8   Reading Comprehension Among English Learners
  Colleen K. Reutebuch

9   Spelling Development Among English Learners
  Elsa Cárdenas-Hagan and Alessandra Rico

10   Writing Development Among English Learners
   Linda O. Cavazos and Elsa Cárdenas-Hagan

Appendix  Using Technology to Adapt and Enhance Instruction for English Learners
  Elaine Cheesman



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Lara Speights, M.Ed., CALT, The Reading League Journal - May 1, 2023

"Maybe it is time to flip the question from ‘What are English learners not learning?’ to "What are teachers of English learners not learning that could maximize the knowledge and skills within the English learner population?’ In this text, Cárdenas-Hagan and the contributing experts provide both the research and the pragmatic evidence-based applications to accomplish this shift in a practical way."

Linda Siegel, Ph.D., Professor Emerita, University of British Columbia - March 27, 2020
"Comprehensive and well-written . . . provides many practical suggestions. All professionals who work with ELL students should read this book."
Nancy Hennessy, M.Ed., Educational Consultant and Author, Past President of the International Dyslexia Association, The Consulting Network - March 27, 2020
"An outstanding book . . . Chock full of ideas for adapting and differentiating literacy instruction, it is an invaluable resource for educators working with English learners."
This book may be appropriate for courses similar to those listed below:

  • BLED 412 Second Language Literacy for English Language Learners
  • LCRT 5770 Effective Literacy Instruction for Diverse Learners
  • CUIN 7311 Teaching Language and Literacy to Bilingual Learners
  • BBE 4532 Language and Literacy Development of Diverse Learners
  • EDUC 248 Language, Literacy, and Culture
  • EDU 635 Seminar in Second Language Literacy
  • LTL657 Literacy for English Language Learner
  • EDU 4020 English as a Second Language and Second Language Literacy
  • RDLT 52700 Teaching Reading to the Diverse Learner
  • EDU 6321 Bilingualism/Biliteracy

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This product has additional material available on the Brookes Download Hub.
  • PowerPoint slides that accompany each chapter
  • Sample syllabus that shows how to use this book in your course
  • Working with English Learners progress monitoring tool
  • Main Idea Graphic Organizer
  • Graphic Organizer for Writing a Persuasive Paragraph
  • Using Technology to Adapt and Enhance Instruction for English Learners

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