: The 18th Mental Measurement Yearbook - May 11, 2011
"Few other assessment and intervention programs can offer as extensive and converging perspectives as does the TPBA2 and TPBI2. The TPBA2 is strongly recommended for early childhood intervention assessments."
: Focus on Autism and Other Developmental Disabilities - July 27, 2010
"The ability to collaborate with other professionals, facilitate the involvement and empowerment of families in assessment and intervention, and provide services in natural settings are skills that are keys to success in practice . . . the transdisciplinary system described in the TPBA2 and TPBI2 is one that readily promotes these skills."
Katie Todd, Coordinator of Special Education/School Psychologist, Thermalito Union School District, Oroville, CA - June 24, 2009
"What a phenomenal resource!"
: ADVANCE for Physical Therapists & PT Assistants - April 20, 2009
"Emphasizes observing the child through the lenses of many domains to determine appropriate excellent resource for physical therapy professionals who routinely perform early-intervention assessments as part of an interdisciplinary team, as well as for faculty and researchers."
Carrie Thompson-Davenport, Center for Outreach Services, Early Childhood Outreach Consultant, Ohio School for the Deaf - April 30, 2008
"We are using TPBA to develop our transdisciplinary play-based assessment strategies to be used with young deaf and hard of hearing children. TPBA has proven to be helpful in this initial development stage."
Anne-Marie De Kort-Young, Program Consultant, North Carolina Office of School Readiness. Adjunct Faculty, University of North Carolina at Charlotte - April 30, 2008
"Makes the evaluation process a very positive experience for children and families . . . provides the team with an incredible amount of nuanced information for developing integrated, functional goals for intervention."
Linda D. Ingleson, Early Childhood Special Education Specialist, VDOE Training and Technical Assistance Center, Old Dominion University - April 30, 2008
"TPBA is an ideal tool for assessment teams."
Manuela Sanches Ferreira, Psychology, Full Professor, Superior School of Education of Porto; Coordinator, Unit for Promoting Inclusive School - April 30, 2008
"Using TPBA assessment procedures and strategies has proven to be a useful framework for our professionals to grow into a truly transdisciplinary team."
Margie Larsen, Preschool Consultant, Educational Diagnostician - April 30, 2008
"Embedded in child development theory and research, TPBA/I 2 have revolutionized assessment methodologies for preschool age children . . . consistently yields comprehensive, rich data as evidence to develop intervention teaching strategies that address the development of the whole child."
Shannon Haley-Mize, early interventionist, Institute for Disability Studies, University of Southern Mississippi - April 30, 2008
"Allows the family to be actively involved in the assessment, calls attention to play behaviors and engagement, and provides rich information that proved useful to intervention planning. TPBA/I are pivotal to providing quality services within the child's natural environment and integrating the child's goals into daily activities and routines."
Stella Fair - April 30, 2008
"Outstanding works which have been important in the field of early intervention . . . excellent way of illustrating clinical observation from a team perspective."