The Principal's Handbook for Leading Inclusive Schools
Special Education, K-12
Behind every successful inclusive school is a great principal with passion, vision, and a practical plan. With so much riding on their strong and proactive leadership, every principal and administrator will want this how-to book: the essential guide to bringing schoolwide inclusion from theory to practice. Covering everything from the basics of special education to the everyday nuts and bolts of making inclusion work, two renowned inclusion experts give readers clear guidance they can use right away to lead a fully inclusive school where every student learns and belongs.
Contains Companion Materials
72988 978-1-59857-298-8
2014 184
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Behind every successful inclusive school is a great principal with passion, vision, and a practical plan. With so much riding on their strong and proactive leadership, every principal and administrator will want this how-to book: the essential guide to bringing schoolwide inclusion from theory to practice. Covering everything from the basics of special education to the everyday nuts and bolts of making inclusion work, two renowned inclusion experts give readers clear guidance they can use right away to lead a fully inclusive school where every student learns and belongs. New and veteran administrators will discover how to make schoolwide (and districtwide) reforms that support social and academic success—and help all students reach their full potential.

  • Provide all students with access to the general education curriculum in the least restrictive environment
  • Solicit input and expertise from everyone-teachers, paraprofessionals, and support staff
  • Promote close collaboration between general and special educators
  • Create inclusive service delivery
  • Implement academic and social supports that meet the individual needs of each student
  • Make sound decisions about content-specific accommodations and modifications
  • Facilitate use of gentle and positive supports to resolve challenging behavior
  • Partner effectively with school staff and families
  • Create a school culture that encourages independence and high expectations for all
  • Relieve job-related stress and avoid burnout

PRACTICAL MATERIALS: Concrete, real-world tips and strategies; first-person stories from school leaders; answers to commonly asked questions in every chapter; helpful checklists and forms on co-teaching, behavior support, school reform planning, and more.

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About the Forms
About the Authors
Foreword Richard A. Villa

  1. The Principal's Role in Inclusive Schools
  2. Special Education
  3. Inclusive Education
  4. Leading Inclusive School Reform
  5. The Backbone of Inclusion: Leading Effective Collaboration
  6. Rethinking Students: Presuming Competence
  7. Providing Academic Supports
    Appendix Useful Web Sites and Resources for Assistive Technology
  8. Providing Behavioral Supports
  9. Supporting You, Supporting Them: Caring for Yourself
Appendix Self-Care Books


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Nicole & Dan Pyle, Utah State University, reviewed for Education Review, October 2014 - October 6, 2014
“We not only entirely support the inclusive framework presented by the authors, but we also promote the suggested inclusive practices because we concur that these are essential to lead inclusive schools.”
Linda Llewellyn, Director of Instruction, Homer Central School District - June 19, 2013
“A straightforward, realistic, and empowering guide that will help principals move their school culture from one of ‘doing inclusion’ to inclusive.”
Carol Quirk, Co-Executive Director, Maryland Coalition for Inclusive Education - June 19, 2013
“If there is ever a school administrator seeking advice on creating a culture of effective inclusive practice, this book has the answers!”
Michael McSheehan, Clinical Assistant Professor, Communication Sciences and Disorders; Project Director, National Center on Inclusive Education - June 19, 2013
“Masterful in its directness and simplicity, this book captures the essentials of principal leadership . . . These authors created a text that speaks WITH principals, not AT them.”
Paula Kluth, author, "You're Going to Love This Kid!" - June 7, 2013
“Finally! A book for administrators outlining both the values and the practices of inclusive schools. It is current. It is visionary. Above all, it is inspiring. This book should be on the desktop of every school leader.”
James McLeskey, Professor, School of Special Education, School Psychology, and Early Childhood Studies, College of Education, University of Florida - May 28, 2013
“A fine contribution to the professional literature on inclusive schools, this book provides . . . practical, research-based information on a range of nuts and bolts topics related to developing and supporting an inclusive school.”
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