George Theoharis, Ph.D.
George Theoharis, Ph.D., is Associate Dean in the School of
Education and Associate Professor in Educational Leadership and
Inclusive Elementary Education in the Department of Teaching
and Leadership, Syracuse University. He has extensive field experience
in public education as a principal and as a teacher. George
teaches classes in educational leadership and elementary/early
childhood teacher education. His interests, research, and work
with K–12 schools focus on issues of equity, justice, diversity,
inclusion, leadership, and school reform. His book The School
Leaders Our Children Deserve (Teachers College Press, 2009) is
about school leadership, social justice, and school reform. He
is co-editor of a new book What Every Principal Needs to Know to Create Excellent and Equitable Schools (Teachers College Press, 2013). George's published
works appear in such journals as Educational Administration Quarterly, Educational Leadership,
Equity & Excellence in Education, International Journal of Inclusive Education, Journal of School
Leadership, Journal of Special Education Leadership, Remedial and Special Education, The School
Administrator, Teachers College Record, and Urban Education. He co-runs a summer leadership
institute for school administrators focusing on issues of equity and inclusion as well as a school
reform project called Schools of Promise. His doctorate in educational leadership and policy
analysis is from the University of Wisconsin-Madison.