The Paraprofessional's Handbook for Effective Support in Inclusive Classrooms, Second Edition

An essential hands-on guide for new and seasoned paraprofessionals—and a must-have for the educators and other professionals who support them—this empowering book takes the guesswork out of this critical classroom role so you can help students with disabilities reach their full potential.

Contains Companion Materials
54517 978-1-68125-451-7
2021 192
Available Stock

What does a great paraprofessional need to know and do? You’ll find real-world answers from two experts in the second edition of this bestselling guidebook. Passionate inclusion advocates Julie Causton and Kate MacLeod bring you a supremely practical guide to surviving and thriving as an integral part of your school’s inclusive team. You’ll get immediately applicable strategies for mastering every facet of your complex role: collaborating with other team members, selecting accommodations and modifications, facilitating peer connections, fading your support, and much more. And you’ll find a treasure trove of tools—including activities, learning checks, reproducible templates, FAQs, and short to-do lists—to help you reflect on your practice and strengthen your daily work.

An essential hands-on guide for new and seasoned paraprofessionals—and a must-have for the educators and other professionals who support them—this empowering book takes the guesswork out of this critical classroom role so you can help students with disabilities reach their full potential.


  • New chapter on Respectful Support for Developing Student Independence
  • More on key topics such as collaboration, presuming competence, and supporting social and academic success for students with diverse abilities
  • New and updated research, practices, digital tools, resources, examples, quiz questions, and reflection activities throughout the book
  • Package of online materials, including printable activities, forms, and worksheets

Learn more about the new edition!

Get the corresponding Facilitator’s Guide—Your one-stop resource for planning and delivering six 1-hour live or virtual training session on cricital topics, each aligned with one or more chapters from the book.

Explore more training opportunities!

Expand your mindset, heartset, and skillset around inclusion with unique training opportunities from Dr. Julie Causton and Dr. Kristie Pretti-Frontczak. Visit the Inclusive Schooling website to explore their complete catalog of engaging, on-demand training courses—and learn about custom training options, too!
About the Forms and Online Materials
About the Facilitator’s Guide to The Paraprofessional’s Handbook for Effective Support in Inclusive Classrooms, Second Edition
About the Authors
Foreword    Shelley Moore

Chapter 1: The Paraprofessional
Chapter 2: Inclusive Education
Chapter 3: Special Education
Chapter 4: Collaborating with Others
Chapter 5: Rethinking Your Students: Presuming Competence
Chapter 6: Providing Academic Supports
Chapter 7: Providing Social Supports
Chapter 8: Providing Behavioral Support
Chapter 9: Respectful Support for Developing Student Independence
Chapter 10: Supporting Yourself



Average Rating:
(based on 1 review)

Showing 1 Review:

by Judith
on 11/17/2021
from Essex Junction
Very Readable
The language in the book is very readable at all levels. It explains things so that people with a lot of experience and people with only a little experience can both get something out of it. This is a very helpful book for anyone in a paraeducator position, and also for special education teachers to know what they need to address for paraeducators to do their work well!
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Cheryl Jorgensen, Inclusive Education Consultant - October 14, 2020

Paraprofessionals are some of the unsung heroes of inclusive education...This book provides a wealth of practical tips and tools and will be immediately useful for paraprofessionals and the teachers who supervise them.

Michael Giangreco, University of Vermont, Center on Disability & Community Inclusion - October 14, 2020

This essential handbook provides foundational orientation and training content for paraprofessionals. Its accessible style, focus on inclusive contexts, and practical applications should make it a go-to resource for collaborative teams.

Dr. Kristie Pretti-Frontczak, author, speaker, and educational consultant - October 14, 2020

Now, more than ever, we must commit to supporting paras who are fundamental to the success of so many children regardless of service delivery model or location. This reader-friendly handbook offers the key information, tools, and practical solutions paras need to fully include all students.

Dr. Paul Gordon, Superintendent of Schools, Wenatchee School District - October 14, 2020

Wow! Finally, a resource for paraeducators, teachers, principals, and district leaders that can actually be understood and applied in the classroom. The Paraprofessional Handbook offers unique insights into the roles and responsibilities of a para and brings to light important topics that need to be addressed before working with students.

Shelly Habegger, Barberton City School District- Ohio, Director of Curriculum & Instruction - October 14, 2020

Best PD book I have read in years. Practical and fun, it provides support and dignity to the person on the education team who has been undervalued for decades—the paraprofessional. Our paraprofessionals are vital to our students’ success.

Paula Kluth, Author of “You’re Going to Love This Kid!” - October 14, 2020

Whether you are a paraprofessional looking for ways to support students, collaborate, and communicate with team members; a teacher who is seeking ideas for educating and supporting the paraprofessionals on your team; or an administrator needing guidance on how to supervise programs or grow an inclusive school, this book will provide answers, ideas, and many, many ‘ah-ha!’ moments.

Get the corresponding Facilitator’s Guide!
This digital guide is your one-stop resource for planning and delivering six 1-hour live or virtual training session on cricital topics, each aligned with one or more chapters from the book.
Get the guide.

Need more in-depth training for paraprofessionals?
Check out the virtual, on-demand PD for Paras course with Dr. Julie Causton and Dr. Kristie Pretti-Frontczak. Get four recorded expert trainings, each one 45 to 90 minutes, with prompts for reflection and discussion.
Learn more about the course.
This book may be appropriate for courses similar to those listed below.
  • EDUA 1004 Eucational Assistant Roles & Responsibilities
  • GLR 21115 Paraprofessionals: An Essential Part of the Team
  • ECCE Paraprofessional Roles and Practices
  • SPED 400 Developmental Differences and Implications in Special Education
  • EESE 474 Elementary Education/Special Education
  • EDUC 509 Working with Systems, Teams, and Culturally Diverse Families
  • HSER 2000 Inclusionary Practices
  • EDLD 664 Supervision of Special Programs

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Learn more about this title.
This title has additional material available on the Brookes Download Hub.
  • Printable activities, forms, and worksheets, including:
    • Key Terms Cheat Sheet
    • Activities Journal
    • Reflections Journal
    • And more!

Visit the Download Hub for a preview of what’s available.