Everything You Need to Organize, Manage, and Monitor Classroom Data
The Data Collection Toolkit

Take the worry and stress out of data collection with this ultra-practical resource, packed with the tools you need to organize, manage, and monitor critical information on your students' progress.

Contains Companion Materials
79246 978-1-59857-924-6
2018 264
Available Stock

Collecting data on behavior, academic skills, and IEP goals is an essential step in showing student progress—but it can also be a complicated, time-consuming process. Take the worry and stress out of data collection with this ultra-practical resource, packed with the tools you need to organize, manage, and monitor critical information on your students' progress. You'll discover proven, stress-free data collection techniques used by real teachers, with strategies and shortcuts developed through the author's extensive teaching and consulting work. You'll also get first-person classroom examples, quizzes, definitions of key terms, and a complete package of reproducible forms and tools. An essential resource for special educators, general educators, and paraprofessionals, this toolkit will help you become a "classroom detective" who collects the right data, analyzes it skillfully, and uses it to solve each student's challenges.


  • master the basic steps of effective data collection
  • design a creative data collection process custom-tailored to your needs
  • record and graph your students' academic, behavioral, and IEP data
  • expertly manage your time and paperwork while collecting all the data you need
  • use data collection strategies to systematically address specific questions and problems
  • select appropriate methods for monitoring progress
  • analyze data for trends and patterns
  • make data-driven decisions that enhance student achievement

PRACTICAL MATERIALS: Record and analyze your classroom data with a complete package of ready-to-use, reproducible forms and tools! Includes Quick-Graph forms that make it easy to record data and graph trends on the same form; data sheets and graphs; tip sheets; and handouts and organizational tools.

Includes more than 40 forms and tools!

  • Quick-Graphs for recording and analyzing data on one form
  • Data sheets and graphs for academic, behavioral, and IEP data
  • Organizational tools for establishing a data collection system
  • Handouts for building your data collection notebook

Watch a webinar to get an inside look?

About the Forms and Tools
About the Author
Introduction: Becoming a Classroom Detective
    I Preparing for Data Collection
  • 1 The Step-by-Step Process of Data Collection: What You Need to Know
  • 2 Determining the Specific Issue and Defining the Target Behavior or Focus

    II Collecting Your Data
  • 3 Academic Data and Progress Monitoring
  • 4 Behavioral Data
  • 5 IEP Data
  • 6 Establishing Your Data Collection System

    III Data Analysis and Follow-Up
  • 7 Analyzing Data
  • 8 Data-Based Decision Making

    IV Your Classroom Data Toolkit
  • A Academic and Progress Monitoring Forms
  • B Behavior Forms
  • C IEP Forms
  • D Organizational Tools: Establishing a Data Collection System

Appendix A Building Your Data Collection Notebook: Handouts, Embellishments, and Extras
Appendix B Answers to Quick Quizzes


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Kathleen Winterman, Xavier University - September 14, 2017
The author's use of a detective theme throughout the book provides a framework … to reflect on the scientific nature of data collection. With the mission, guiding questions, definitions, and case examples provided at the onset of each chapter, readers are cued into the topic and how it directly impacts educational outcomes for students. This text is a must have for beginning teachers as well as parents.
Beverley Johns, Professional Fellow at MacMurray College - September 14, 2017
This book should be in the hands of every classroom teacher … teachers everyday are expected to collect data and analyze it but don't have the tools to do it. Here are the tools in one place.
Juane Heflin, Northern Arizona University - September 12, 2017
“[T]he toolkit focuses on [collection options] that are ideal for busy staff in general education classrooms. The[se] ideas for collecting data for IEP documentation will be invaluable time-savers for teachers!”
Laura Riffel, Director of Behavior Doctor Seminars - September 6, 2017
A phenomenal resource to use as a textbook or for anyone wishing to teach themselves how to make data-based decisions ... I plan on purchasing a copy for all the teachers in my family.
This product has additional material available on the Brookes Download Hub.
  • forms

  • data sheets

  • quick graphs

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