Activities for Developing Phonological Awareness, Revised Edition
Sounds Like Fun
Packed with jokes and riddles that increase students' awareness of the phonemes that make up words, this activity book is a playful, effective way to make learning literacy skills fun for the whole class.
70489 978-1-59857-048-9
2009 176
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Q: How do fireflies start a race?

A: Ready, set, glow!

Kids love jokes—and teachers and SLPs love fast and easy ways to improve students' phonological awareness. That's why every elementary and middle-school SLP and educator needs this playful, effective activity book, packed with jokes and riddles that increase students' awareness of the phonemes that make up words. The perfect way to avoid "drill and kill" instruction while still giving children the strong foundation they need to be successful readers, Sounds Like Fun

  • Enhances the literacy skills children need for academic success, including phonological awareness, comprehension, thinking skills, spelling, and vocabulary
  • Uses humor as an effective learning tool. Laughter and learning go hand in hand with kid-friendly jokes and riddles, sure to keep students engaged and interested in words
  • Helps older students work on phonological awareness skills, going beyond the many resources geared toward younger children
  • Takes just 15–20 minutes per lesson. Includes quick classroom warm-ups and brief activities that can be worked into any existing curriculum
  • Requires no extra training or materials—any teacher can pick up the book and start using the jokes and activities right away
  • Works with all students, including children with learning disabilities, struggling readers, and English language learners
  • Is ideal for whole-group or one-to-one sessions—teachers can use the lessons they want, however they want to use them

Complete with clear instructions and helpful appendices of consonant and vowel sounds, this activity book is a simple, cost-effective, and reliable way to make learning key literacy skills fun for the whole class. A must for the "teaching toolbox" of every special educator, general educator, and speech pathologist!

Improve students' skills with:

  • Warm-up Activities that improve awareness of how phoneme changes affect the meaning of words
  • Phonological Humor Activities, grouped into units such as Take Away a Consonant Sound, Change a Consonant Sound, and Change a Vowel Sound
  • Challenge Activities, more complex phonological humor challenges that sharpen students' thinking skills
  • Review and Reflection Tasks to make sure students understand what they've learned and apply their new knowledge in different contexts
  • Additional Activities that group together the kinds of activities that appear throughout the previous 5 units of the book

Preface Acknowledgments

Unit 1: Take Away a Consonant Sound

Unit 2: Change a Consonant Sound

Unit 3: Change a Vowel Sound

Unit 4: Add a Consonant Sound

Unit 5: Challenge Activities

Unit 6: Additional Activities

Answer Key


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: Midwest Book Review- Education Shelf - May 1, 2010
A pick any teacher can use and a 'must' for any language arts educator's library.
Harriet B. Klein, Professor, Department of Speech Language Pathology, New York University - April 1, 2009
Provides a well organized variety of activities that promise to add excitement and fun to the challenge of improving metaphonological awareness.
Wayne A. Secord, Senior Research Scientist, The Ohio State University - April 1, 2009
Full of creative and fun ways to explicitly teach phonological awareness and vocabulary at the same time! All kids are going to love it.