A Classroom Curriculum
Phonemic Awareness in Young Children
Early Childhood, K-12
This invaluable supplementary curriculum meets Reading First criteria and contains numerous classroom-ready activities designed to increase the phonemic awareness and preliteracy skills of preschool, kindergarten, and first-grade students.
63214 978-1-55766-321-4
1998 208
Available Stock
  • One of the most popular programs available — more than 250,000 copies sold

  • Easy and fun activities that take only 15-20 minutes a day

  • Includes a flexible assessment test that allows group screening

  • Meets new federal requirements for scientifically based reading research

  • Developed by leading experts in reading instruction

Phonemic Awareness in Young Children complements any prereading program. From simple listening games to more advanced exercises in rhyming, alliteration, and segmentation, this best-selling curriculum helps boost young learners' preliteracy skills in just 15-20 minutes a day. Specifically targeting phonemic awareness — now known to be an important step to a child's early reading acquisition — this research-based program helps young children learn to distinguish individual sounds that make up words and affect their meanings.

With a developmental sequence of activities that follows a school year calendar, teachers can chose from a range of activities for their preschool, kindergarten, and first-grade classrooms. Plus, the curriculum includes an easy-to-use assessment test for screening up to 15 children at a time. This assessment not only helps to objectively estimate the general skill level of the class and identify children who may need additional testing but may also be repeated every 1-2 months to monitor progress. All children benefit because the curriculum accommodates individualized learning and teaching styles.

Here is everything a teacher needs:

  • Teaching objectives
  • Lesson plans and sample scripts
  • Activity adaptations
  • Troubleshooting guidelines
  • Suggested kindergarten and first-grade schedules
  • Informal, group screening

A featured book in our Launching Literacy Kit!

See how this product helps strengthen Head Start program quality and school readiness.

  1. The Nature and Importance of Phonemic Awareness
    What Research Says About Phonemic Awareness
    About the Structure of Language
    Phonemic Awareness in Young Children: A Classroom Curriculum
    --Notes to the Special Education Teacher
    --The Structure of the Program

  2. The Language Games
    About the Use of the Language Games
    Overview of the Program
    Brief Description of the Games in Practice

  3. Listening Games
    1. Listening to Sounds

    2. Listening to Sequences of Sounds

    3. Jacob, Where Are You?

    4. Hiding the Alarm Clock

    5. Who Says What?

    6. Whisper Your Name

    7. Nonsense

    8. Whispering Game

    9. Do You Remember?

  4. Rhyming
    1. Poetry, Songs, and Jingles

    2. Rhyme Stories

    3. Emphasizing Rhyme Through Movement

    4. Word Rhyming

    5. Can You Rhyme?

    6. The Ship is Loaded With

    7. Action Rhymes

    8. Rhyme Book

  5. Words and Sentences
    1. Introducing the Idea of Sentences

    2. Introducing the Idea of a Word

    3. Hearing Words in Sentences

    4. Exercises with Short and Long Words

    5. Words in Context and Out

  6. Awareness of Syllables
    1. Clapping Names

    2. Take One Thing from the Box

    3. The King's/Queen's Successor

    4. Listening First, Looking After

    5. Troll Talk I: Syllables

  7. Initial and Final Sounds
    1. Guess Who

    2. Different Words, Same Initial Phoneme

    3. Finding Things: Initial Phonemes

    4. I'm Thinking of Something

    5. Word Pairs I: Take a Sound Away (Analysis)

    6. Word Pairs II: Add a Sound (Synthesis)

    7. Different Words, Same Final Phoneme

    8. Finding Things: Final Phonemes

    9. Spider's Web

    10. --With Word Pair I
      --With Word Pair II

  8. Phonemes
    1. Two-Sound Words
    2. Basic Three-Sound Words
      --Analysis to Synthesis
      --Synthesis to Analysis
      --Analysis and Synthesis
    3. Consonant Blends: Adding and Subtracting Initial Sounds
      --Analysis to Synthesis
      --Synthesis to Analysis
      --Analysis and Synthesis
    4. Consonant Blends: Inserting and Removing Internal Sounds
      --Analysis to Synthesis
      --Synthesis to Analysis
      --Analysis and Synthesis
    5. Building Four-Sound Words
    6. Guess a Word
    7. Troll Talk II: Phonemes

  9. Introducing Letters and Spellings
    1. Guess Who: Introducing Sounds and Letters
    2. Picture Names: Initial Sounds and Letters
    3. I'm Thinking of Something: Initial Sounds and Letters
    4. Picture Names: Final Sounds and Letters
    5. Picture Search: Initial or Final Consonants
    6. Introduction to How Words are Spelled: Add a Letter
    7. Swap a Letter
    8. Sounding Words

  10. Assessing Phonological Awareness
    The Assessment Test
    The Testing Procedure
    Detecting Rhymes
    Counting Syllables
    Matching Initial Sounds
    Counting Phonemes
    Comparing Word Lengths
    Representing Phonemes with Letter
    Interpreting the Results
Appendix A: Phonetic Symbols and Classifications of American English Consonants and Vowels
Appendix B: Suggested Kindergarten Schedule
Appendix C: Suggested First-Grade Schedule
Appendix D: Accompanying Materials and Resources
Appendix E: Advanced Language Games
Appendix F: Annotated Bibliography of Rhyming Stories
Appendix G: Poems, Fingerplays, Jingles, and Chants



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Charles C. Wills, Behavioral Associates of Runnemede - July 23, 2008
"Very user friendly. The activities serve as a bridge between enjoyment and needed fluency development of the basic phonemes. I recommend this text."
Cena Holifield, Academic Language Therapist, Hattiesburg, Mississippi - July 21, 2008
"[The] activities reinforce the phonological awareness skills that are crucial for young children to develop the foundation required for becoming a successful reader."
: Utah State Textbook Commission Evaluation - April 27, 2006
"The directions are easy to understand and the lessons follow a developmental sequence beginning with the easiest and most basic activities. . . . This book could be used with any reading program. . . . The games are user-friendly and do not require a large amount of preparation time. . . . Excellent resource book."
: Australian Journal of Learning DIsabilities - December 1, 2000
"This book is ideal for schools who have a pre-prep grade or who have an intervention program for prep children at risk or a number of ESL students…Strongly recommended."
: Journal of Speech-Language Pathology and Audiologyvolume 22, no 4, dec 1998 - December 1, 1998
"Useful for students who are developing normally and who can acquire the targeted skills through exposure."
: Closing the Gap - July 1, 1998
listed in DISKoveries
: Wisconsin Bookwatch - March 1, 1998
"Highly recommended."
Joseph Torgesen - October 1, 1997
"This is the curriculum in phonemic awareness that many teachers have been waiting for."
: American Educator - October 1, 1997
"This curriculum is an example of what we desperately need more of: research-based theory translated into field-tested materials that teachers can confidently and successfully use in the classroom."