The Early Childhood Model of Individualized Positive Behavior Support, Second Edition
Prevent-Teach-Reinforce for Young Children
Early Childhood

The premier Tier 3 intervention for the Pyramid Model, Prevent‐Teach‐Reinforce for Young Children (PTR‐YC) is a research‐proven, family‐centered approach used in preschool settings nationwide to resolve persistent challenging behaviors. Now this bestselling PTR‐YC guidebook is in a thoughtfully revised second edition, with enhancements and additions informed by user feedback, the authors' training experiences, and new studies on the effectiveness of the model.

Contains Companion Materials
55484 978-1-68125-548-4
2022 248
Available Stock

The premier Tier 3 intervention for the Pyramid Model, Prevent‐Teach‐Reinforce for Young Children (PTR‐YC) is a research‐proven, family‐centered approach used in preschool settings nationwide to resolve persistent challenging behaviors. Now this bestselling PTR‐YC guidebook is in a thoughtfully revised second edition, with enhancements and additions informed by user feedback, the authors' training experiences, and new studies on the effectiveness of the model.

Developed by top behavior experts, this practical, reader‐friendly guidebook fully introduces the five steps of the PTR‐YC model: 1) teaming and goal setting; 2) data collection; 3) functional behavioral assessment; 4) development and implementation of a behavior intervention plan; and 5) using data, arranging for generalization, and next steps. You'll get instructions for conducting all five steps, case examples from real‐world experience, and the tools and assessment instruments you need to implement the steps effectively.

Ideal for use in a wide range of early childhood settings—including preschools, Head Start, and child care programs—this accessible guide will help you strengthen every young child's social‐emotional skills and address even the toughest behavior challenges.


  • New chapter on classroom‐wide procedures that help prevent challenging behavior
  • New chapter on interim solutions to extreme challenging behavior
  • Updates and revisions throughout based on feedback from users over the last 8 years
  • New evidence of the effectiveness of PTR‐YC, demonstrated by a recent randomized controlled trial and single case experimental analyses
  • More on ensuring fidelity and sustainability, increasing the chances for long‐term positive outcomes
  • Updated downloadable materials now online: checklists, rating scales, and a classroom practices assessment

Get online training on Prevent-Teach-Reinforce for Young Children!

See more resources on supporting children's social-emotional competence with the Pyramid Model.

About the Downloads
About the Authors
Foreword by Erin Barton, Ph.D.

Section I: Foundations of Prevent-Teach-Reinforce for Young Children
1   Introduction to Prevent-Teach-Reinforce for Young Children, 2nd Edition
 Appendix: Key Terms
2   Engaging Families in the PTR-YC Process
 Appendix: Case Examples
3   Preventive Classroom Practices
4   Interim Procedures for Managing Dangerous Behavior

Section II: Implementing Prevent-Teach-Reinforce for Young Children
5   Step 1: Teaming and Goal Setting
6   Step 2: Data Collection
7   Step 3: PTR-YC Assessment (Functional Behavioral Assessment)
8   Step 4: PTR-YC Intervention
9   Step 5: Using Data and Next Steps

Appendix A: Interventions
Appendix B: Case Example: Joel
Appendix C: Case Example: Jessi
Appendix D: Case Example: Ethan


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Patricia Snyder, Ph.D., Distinguished Professor of Special Education and Early Childhood Studies, David Lawrence, Jr. Endowed Chair in Early Childhood Studies, Director, Anita Zucker Center for Excellence in Early Childhood Studies, University of Florida - January 11, 2022
"Through Prevent-Teach-Reinforce for Young Children, Second Edition, Dunlap and colleagues have once again given the early childhood field a much-needed, evidence-based, socially valid model for providing individualized positive behavior support to young children. Moreover, the principles that undergird the model align with recommended practices in the field. Using a step-by-step approach, readers are skillfully guided through the implementation of PTR-YC in early childhood classrooms. Materials and case examples illustrate how to use the model as intended. The second edition of this text builds on the first by incorporating feedback received from those, including me, who have used the first edition successfully in a variety of early childhood classrooms. I will recommend this updated second edition to all my early childhood students and colleagues!"
Hope Beissel, M.S.W., Pyramid Model Content Lead/Early Childhood Special Education Professional Development Facilitator, Metro ECSU, MN Centers of Excellence for Young Children with Disabilities - January 10, 2022
“Prevent-Teach-Reinforce for Young Children, Second Edition, has several technical and adaptive enhancements that will lead to greater efficiency and fidelity—enhancements I believe will improve the PTR-YC process for families, coaches, practitioners, and programs.”
Malena Argumedes, Ph.D., Professor, Departement de Psychoéducation, Université de Sherbrooke, Qc, Canada - January 9, 2022
"I’ve been working with the PTR-YC since it came out in 2013, first as a research assistant and then in my own research projects. This second edition provides very useful additions, specifically for emergency procedures and classroom readiness for implementing PTR-YC. Teachers and educators are often preoccupated by extreme challenging behaviors in the classroom and the safety of the whole group. I am delighted with the additions and I am sure that they will enhance the fidelity of implementation throughout the entire process. The field of Positive Behavior Support and Early Childhood will definitely benefit from this second edition of the PTR-YC, as well as the children and their families. I sure will be using this new version in my everyday practice!"
Renee Miner, M.Ed., Associate Director, Behavior, Autism, and Low Incidence Disabilities, Center for School and Community Partnerships, Boise State University - January 5, 2022
"PTR-YC, Second Edition, is a great resource for program staff who work with young children to develop social-emotional competencies and minimize problem behavior. Grounded in behavioral science, positive practices, and educational research, this PTR-YC manual provides a comprehensive and easy-to-read guide to design high-quality learning environments for all children. The revised edition includes a detailed table of contents that makes navigating the manual very efficient. The book also includes case studies, templates and printable forms, as well as online resources that are simple, but essential, in the PTR-YC process."
This product has additional materials available on the Brookes Download Hub

  • Assessments
  • Checklists
  • Menu of intervention strategies
  • PTR-YC Behavior Rating Scale
  • Templates