Pathways to Best Practice
Families, Infants, and Young Children at Risk
Early Childhood, Higher Education
A core text for early interventionists that addresses the medical and social-emotional development of children birth-8.
68066 978-1-55766-806-6
2009 400
Available Stock

The clearest, most comprehensive text available on the neurological and psycho-social development of children from birth to 8, this cutting-edge book will be the cornerstone of every early interventionist's education. Essential for preservice professionals across multiple disciplines—and for inservice practitioners in search of a reference they can trust— this textbook helps readers fully understand child development, address the complex needs of children with disabilities and their families, and skillfully connect the latest clinical knowledge with everyday practice.

Illustrated with dozens of engaging and instructive photos, this text helps future professionals in education, medicine, and related clinical fields

  • meet state requirements for training in early childhood special education with complete coverage of the birth–8 period
  • understand the full range of issues—medical, psychosocial, cultural, developmental, and educational—affecting child development
  • ensure strong partnerships with professionals and families by learning about other disciplines and understanding the challenges parents face
  • address social-emotional factors at every stage of a child's early development
  • discover how clinical issues affect children in educational settings after the critical transition to school
  • develop sensitivity to diverse family needs through eye-opening vignettes and child-family studies

With this accessible core textbook and professional reference, early interventionists will be ready to work effectively with children who have or are at risk for developmental delays—and pool their knowledge and resources with professionals across disciplines to ensure the best outcomes for children and families.

About the Editors

I Beginnings
  1. Families, Infants, and Young Children: New Challenges to Best Practice
    Gail L. Ensher

    New Faces and New Languages
    Caregivers in a Working World
    The Influences of Media
    Continuing Agendas and New Challenges for Families
    Ethical Issues in Perinatal-Neonatal Medicine
    Realities of Federal Department of Education Mandates

  1. Pregnancy, Labor, and Delivery
    David A. Clark

    Overview of Pregnancy
    Problem Pregnancies
    The Fetus
    Labor and Delivery

  1. Evaluation and Care of the Neonate
    David A. Clark

    Delivery Room Management
    Birth Injuries
    The Physiology and Behavior of Transition
    Assessment of Gestational Age
    Neurological Evaluation
    Growth and Gestational Age
    Routine Newborn Care
    Newborn Screening
    Discharge Planning

  1. The Family as Foreground
    Jill R. Weldum, Nancy S. Songer, and Gail L. Ensher

    Careful Assumptions
    The Significance of a Personal Lens
    Experiences of Families Who Have Children with Special Needs
    Collaborative Care as a Best Practice
    The Family as Context
    Contemporary Families
    Family Roles
    Life Cycle Changes
    Family Systems
    Stressors and Resiliency
    Child Development
II Early Problems and Developmental Courses
  1. Neonatal Neurology
    Marilyn A. Fisher

    Prenatal Brain Development
    Postnatal Brain Development
    Nervous System Teratogens
    Neurological Examination
    Nervous System Impairment
  1. Performance Assessment: New Connections and Future Perspectives
    Gail L. Ensher

    The Need for Follow-Up within the Context of Developmental Outcome
    Parents as Partners in the Assessment Process
    Beyond Eligibility: Linking Assessment to Intervention
    The Need to See Children and Families in Their Natural Environments
    Fading Models

  1. Autism Spectrum Disorders in Young Children: New Paradigms
    Ellen Barnes, Janet O’Flynn, and Lori Saile

    What Is Autism?
    What Causes Autism?
    Sensory and Motor Challenges
    Cognitive and Learning Style
    Social Interaction
    Behavior and Routines
    Autism and the Family
    Implications for Intervention and New Research
  1. Sensory Processing Disorders: A Teacher’s Perspective
    Toni Bell, Christy Cook, and Janet O’Flynn

    The Nervous System
    Sensory Processing Disorders
    Early Intervention
    Progression of the Field
  1. Respiratory Distress in Newborns
    Upender Munshi, Michelle Eastman, and David A. Clark

    Lung Development
    Acute Respiratory Distress
    Transition Disorders
    Fetal Lung Fluid
    Respiratory Distress Syndrome
    Aspiration Syndromes
    Air Leak Syndromes
    Pulmonary Hemorrhage
    Neonatal Sepsis and Pneumonia Syndrome
    Metabolic Errors
    Management of Acute Respiratory Distress
    Chronic Lung Disease
  1. Nutrition and Feeding Problems
    Linda Levy and David A. Clark

    Components of Nutrition
    Means of Receiving Nutrition
    Common Neonatal Diseases Affecting the Ability to Feed
  1. Physical Development and Impairment
    Angel Rios and David A. Clark

    Prenatal History
    Family History
    Birth History
    Structural Defects
    Physical Examination
    Testing for Genetic Diseases
    Future Treatment
  1. Infection and Immunity
    Michelle L. Eastman and David A. Clark

    Diagnostic Features
    Immunity and Decreased Resistance to Infection
    Intrauterine (Transplacental) Infections
    Intrapartum Infections
    Postpartum Infections
  1. The Interface of Physiology and Medical Environments
    Gail L. Ensher and David A. Clark

    Impact of the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit Environment on Development of the Brain and the Senses
    Developmentally Appropriate Practices with Newborns and Their Families
  1. The Management of Pain in Infants and Young Children
    Susan A. Furdon

    Dispelling Myths About Pain
    Approaches to Infant Pain Management
    Health Care Workers’ Attitudes, Beliefs, and Practices
    Long-Term Consequences
    Challenges for Providing Care
III Families: The Social Foundation for Growing and Learning
  1. Cultural Diversity: Different Ways of Looking at the Roles of Families, Young Children, and Disability
    Margo A. Nish and Gail L. Ensher

    Diversity and Family Viewpoints
    Places Where We Live, Learn, and Receive Services
    Addressing Diverse Cultural Perspectives in Early Education
    Language Difference or Disability?
    Training for Best Practice
  1. The Cycle of Substance Abuse

    Heidi Baldwin, Nancy S. Songer, and Gail L. Ensher
    Prevalence of Alcohol and Drug Use During Pregnancy
    Contributing Factors Leading to Addiction
    Prenatal Impact of Substance Abuse
    Neonatal and Childhood Problems Related to Maternal Substance Abuse
    Implications of Children Living in Substance-Abusing Homes
    Breaking the Cycle
  1. The Web of Family Abuse, Neglect, and Violence in American Schools
    Gail L. Ensher and David A. Clark

    Magnitude of the Problem in the United States
    Meanings and Definitions
    Pieces of the Puzzle
    Bullying and Violence in American Schools
    Resilience in Children and Families
    Programs of Promise: Using the Best of What We Know
  1. Parents with Developmental Disabilities Caring for Infants and Young Children
    Ava E. Kleinmann and Nancy S. Songer.

    Challenges of Parents with Developmental Disabilities
    Legal Issues
    System Abuse
    Family Issues
    Child Risk Factors
    How Parents and Their Young Children Can Best Be Supported
  1. Teen Parents: Trends in Adolescent Pregnancy
    Nancy S. Songer and Gretchen Kinnell

    Who Are the Teens Having the Babies?
    Predictors, Conditions, and Risk Factors
    Outcomes for Teens and Their Children
    What Young Children Need and What Teens Have to Give
    Programs that Help Teen Parents and Their Children
IV The Intersection of Best Practice in Medical Treatment and Early Education
  1. The Neonatal Intensive Care Unit: An Environment for Best Practice and Parent–Professional Collaboration
    Carol Reinson and Dona Bauman

    Meeting Families in the Midst of Neonatal Crisis
    The Contemporary Touchstone of Family-Centered Care
    A Developmentally Supportive, Family-Centered Model of Neonatal Care
    The Need for Real-Live Information: Parents as Advocates
    The Parents’ Perspective
  1. Home and School Programs for Infants and Children with Special Needs
    Deborah A. Bryden and Gail L. Ensher

    Mandates of Statewide and Federal Legislation
    Early Intervention in the State of New York
    Transitions to New Settings and New Programs
    Programs of Promise
  1. Putting It All Together
    Gail L. Ensher, David A. Clark, and Nancy S. Songer

    What Have We Learned About Pathways to Best Practices?
Appendix Resources
Organizations Providing Obstetric, Pediatric, and Health Care Information
Information on Intervention and Early Childhood Special Education



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: Doody's Review Service - June 12, 2009
"I have not come across another book that covers this wide range of issues in child development, using case studies in a way that appeals to both physicians and nonmedical professionals. The authors have done a wonderful job of providing current information in a simple, informative fashion."