Supporting Infants and Toddlers in Natural Environments
Family-Centered Early Intervention
Early Childhood, Higher Education
A must for current and future early interventionists, this introductory text prepares professionals to support infants and toddlers with special needs and their families—and address the three OSEP Child Outcome Indicators.
75699 978-1-59857-569-9
2015 312
Available Stock

Aligned with DEC recommended practices and CEC standards!

A must for future early interventionists, this introductory text prepares professionals to support infants and toddlers with special needs and their families—and address the OSEP child outcomes so critical to a program's success. Focusing on the specific needs and challenges of children from birth to three, the book gathers more than a dozen expert contributors with proven expertise in helping children who have or are at risk for developmental delays. Early interventionists will learn recommended practices for family-centered, evidence-based intervention and team collaboration, knowledge they'll use for the rest of their careers to ensure the best possible outcomes for infants and young children. (Also great for inservice professional development!)


  • addressing the three OSEP Child Outcome Indicators: positive social-emotional skills, acquisition and use of knowledge and skills, and using appropriate behaviors to meet needs
  • developing and implementing IFSPs
  • weaving intervention services into a family's established routines
  • empowering parents to successfully guide and support their child's development
  • conducting interventions that support motor, cognitive, social-emotional, communication, and adaptive skills
  • making the most of natural learning opportunities in natural environments
  • working in effective teams with professionals from diverse disciplines
  • meeting the specific needs of children with all disabilities and/or risk areas, including autism, sensory disabilities, and cognitive and/or motor disabilities

STUDENT-FRIENDLY FEATURES: "Best Practice Highlights" with specific intervention suggestions, helpful discussion questions, case studies in each chapter that illustrate the recommended strategies.

See how this product helps strengthen Head Start program quality and school readiness.

About the Authors
Karin Lifter, Ph.D.

I. Foundations of Early Intervention

1. Early Education and Intervention for Children from Birth to Three
Sharon A. Raver and Dana C. Childress

2. Collaboration and Teamwork with Families and Professionals
Sharon A. Raver and Dana C. Childress

II. Supporting Families in Natural Environments

3. The Individualized Family Service Plan Process
Corinne Foley Hill and Dana C. Childress

4. Implementing Intervention in Everyday Routines, Activities, and Settings
Dana C. Childress

III. Enhancing Infant and Toddler Development and Participation

5. Developing Positive Social-Emotional and Communication Skills
Corrin G. Richels and Sharon A. Raver

6. Acquisition and Use of Knowledge and Skills
Mary Beth Bruder, Erika M. Baril, and Anne George-Puskar

7. Using Appropriate Behaviors to Meet Needs
Toby M. Long

IV. Supporting Children with Diverse Abilities

8. Infants and Toddlers with Autism Spectrum Disorder
Dana C. Childress, Lori E. Meyer, and Hedda Meadan

9. Infants and Toddlers with Sensory Disabilities
Tanni L. Anthony (Visual Impairment Section), Mallene P. Wiggin, Christine Yoshinaga- Itano, (Hearing Impairment Section), and Sharon A. Raver

10. Infants and Toddlers with Cognitive and/or Motor Disabilities
Jonna L. Bobzien, Dana C. Childress, and Sharon A. Raver



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: Midwest Book Review - July 9, 2015
"A compendium of ten exceptionally well and presented articles deftly organized into four major section, "Family-Centered Family-Centered Early Intervention: Supporting Infants and Toddlers in Natural Environments" is a major contribution to the field of special needs education."
Gayle Mindes, DePaul University - October 20, 2014
“A wonderful book based on sound research and theory … The case studies put us in the field realistically and thoughtfully.”
Philippa Campbell, Thomas Jefferson University, Child and Family Studies Research Programs - October 20, 2014
“Early intervention service providers continue to need the practical information that this book presents about how to actually do family centered care and how to help infants, toddlers, and their families be successful in natural settings.”
Rachel Moyer-Trimyer, IDEA Part C Specialist, Texas Early Childhood Intervention; lecturer at The University of Texas at Austin - October 14, 2014
“An excellent text for both university students and entry-level and experienced early intervention practitioners … a true example of research to practice.”
Robin McWilliam, Siskin Children’s Institute - October 13, 2014
“To understand how early intervention works in addressing the three federal child outcomes, read this book.”
Tricia Catalino, Assistant Professor, Touro University-Nevada - October 13, 2014
“A comprehensive overview of best practices in early intervention … will be a valuable tool for current and future EI team members.”
Anne Richardson-Gibbs, Inclusion Specialist and Early Intervention Service Coordinator, El Monte City School District, El Monte, California - October 13, 2014
“Provides a concise overview of early intervention, from referral to service provision. An excellent book for students of early childhood special education.”
Naomi Younggren, Early Childhood Consultant/DoD Army EDIS Personnel Coordinator - September 28, 2014
“Uniquely organized around the three OSEP early childhood outcomes, this book presents essential theory, research, practice, and reflection to help providers apply the science and art of early intervention to achieve optimal outcomes for children and families.”
Laurie Dinnebeil, University of Toledo; Editor, Journal of Early Intervention - September 23, 2014
“What a tremendous resource for the field! The emphasis on working in collaboration with families to provide services to infants and toddlers where they live, learn, and play is outstanding!”
The Infant/Toddler with Special Needs in Childcare Programs      (ECE139SN)

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Supporting Infants and Toddlers with Special Needs