Deborah Chen, Professor, Department of Special Education - November 26, 2012
“An essential resource . . . Provides a thought-provoking focus on what matters in the incredibly complicated, dynamic, emotional, challenging, and ultimately satisfying process of understanding families.”
Kofi Marfo, Professor of Educational Psychology, University of South Florida, Tampa - November 26, 2012
“Continues the tradition of seeking to enhance developmental practice by fostering understandings that maximize the contributions of families to intervention processes and outcomes. This is a must-read for all developmental intervention professionals.”
Susan Sandall, Professor, Special Education, College of Education, University of Washington - November 26, 2012
“An updated version of a valued, comprehensive resource . . . offers exceptional guidance for a wide audience of helpgivers who want to use evidence-based practices to partner with and support families.”
Pam Winton, Senior Scientist and Director of Outreach at the FPG Child Development Institute; Research Professor in the School of Education. University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill - November 21, 2012
“The sensitive and practical coverage of contemporary family issues that made the first edition a 'classic' for those teaching family courses has been continued and extended in this updated volume.”
Mary McLean, Kellner Professor of Early Childhood Education, Professor, Department of Exceptional Education, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee - November 19, 2012
“An amazingly comprehensive source of information about families that will provide the foundation necessary for strengthening family-centered services in a variety of settings.”
Gail Ensher, Professor and Coordinator, Early Childhood Special Education Program and Inclusive Program in Multiple & Severe Disabilities, School of Education, Syracuse University - November 19, 2012
“A wonderful resource for students and professionals working with today's families in a diverse society . . . includes a wealth of helpful strategies and approaches for supporting and collaborating with families.”
Ann Turnbull, University of Kansas - November 15, 2012
“Marci and Ellie invite you and me to dwell in the possibility of all families. Their book is our open door.”
Jane Squires, Professor, Director, Center on Human Development, Early Intervention Program, University of Oregon - November 12, 2012
“Marci Hanson and Eleanor Lynch have once again written a foundational text . . . Updated and relevant for diverse 21st century families, this text will be a critical reference for teachers, administrators, and instructors.”