Wayne Sailor, Director, SWIFT Center, Beach Center on Disability, University of Kansas - September 23, 2013
“An excellent, readable book . . . covers the waterfront from early childhood to the elderly, and with the current policy agenda of inclusion coupled with College and Career Readiness, should be a desktop resource for all educators.”
Steven Eidelman, University of Delaware - September 23, 2013
“Clearly summarizes history, contemporary policy and practice for people experiencing significant disability . . . should be a required text for students interested in working for and with people with disabilities.”
Belva Collins, University of Kentucky - September 14, 2013
“A book that I will be using in my doctoral seminar to educate faculty of tomorrow in the issues they will be facing in the coming decades . . . It is also a text that can arm persons with severe disabilities and those who advocate for them with the factual information and philosophical underpinnings that they need to effect change.”
Glen Dunlap, University of South Florida and University of Nevada, Reno - September 13, 2013
“A comprehensive, contemporary and coherent synthesis of the important issues concerning severe disabilities today and for the coming decade . . . simultaneously authoritative and progressive.”
Karrie Shogren, University of Kansas - September 9, 2013
“The range of topics and depth of analysis make this a must have book for anyone interested in current issues in the field of severe disabilities.”