Diane Lea Ryndak, Ph.D.
Diane Ryndak, Ph.D.,
received her Ph.D. from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
She is the author or coauthor of numerous articles, chapters, and books and coeditor
of two compendia of TASH articles most frequently used by institutions of
higher education. Several of her articles have been republished in the compendia
and in international journals, and one of her books has been republished in Japan.
Dr. Ryndak served as a Fulbright Research Scholar in Poland, where she returns
frequently to work with colleagues at The Maria Grzegorzewska Academy for Special
Education in Warsaw and across Poland. She has represented the U.S. Department
of State with efforts related to the inclusion of citizens with disabilities in all
aspects of life in the Ukraine; conducted over 30 international presentations; andguest lectured in Turkey, Peru, Sweden, and the United Kingdom. Her body of work
focuses on inclusive education and access to the general curriculum for students
with extensive support needs, student outcomes achieved by inclusive services, preservice
teacher preparation, and technical assistance for sustainable school reform
efforts related to inclusive education. Dr. Ryndak has served multiple terms as a
member of and Secretary for the TASH National Board of Directors and as the chair
of the TASH Publications Committee, National Agenda Committee on Inclusive
Education, Conference Committee, International Issues Committee, and Personnel
Preparation Committee. She has served as Associate Editor for Research and Practice
for Persons with Severe Disabilities (RPSD) and as a member of the editorial
or review board for seven peer-reviewed professional journals, including RPSD,
American Journal on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, Journal of
Ethnographic and Qualitative Research, and Teacher Education and Special