Demystifying Transition Assessment
Higher Education, K-12

This practical guide demystifies the what, when, why, and how of collecting transition assessment data-and using the results to help students with disabilities prepare for adulthood. Includes ready-to-use sample forms and a quick-reference guide to more than 90 transition assessments!

72148 978-1-59857-214-8
2013 176
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Assessment is the cornerstone of every good transition plan. Now there's a book that demystifies the what, when, why, and how of collecting transition assessment data—and using the results to help students with disabilities prepare for adulthood.

Developed by two respected transition authorities, this practical guide prepares education professionals to use today's best assessment tools and strategies to identify which transition approaches really work. You'll discover how to

  • choose assessments appropriate for each situation and student
  • apply best assessment practices in 7 key areas (see sidebar)
  • collect the right data at the right time
  • implement evidence-based practices that meet IDEA requirements for transition assessment
  • make the most of informal assessments and formal performance-based methods tailored to each student's needs
  • translate assessment results into better, more personalized transition IEP plans

To help you find the assessment tools that best meet your needs, the book includes an invaluable quick-reference guide to more than 90 transition assessments and which areas they assess. You'll also follow case studies of a teacher and two students as they navigate the transition assessment process, and you'll get sample forms for assessing student skills and goals, enhancing transition IEPs, helping students plan for college and employment, and much more.

Essential for every transition specialist and educator, this book will be your trusted companion as you make sound decisions about assessment; ensure individualized, person-centered transition plans; and support students' post-school goals and dreams.

Strengthen transition assessment in 7 key areas:
  • Academics
  • Self-determination
  • Employment
  • Community living
  • Postsecondary education
  • Recreation and leisure
  • Health care
The book is part of the Brookes Publishing Transition to Adulthood Series
Series Preface
Editorial Advisory Board
About the Authors
About the Contributors
  1. Transition Assessment
  2. Ronald Tamura and Colleen A. Thoma
  3. Academic Assessment
  4. Colleen A. Thoma, Roberta Gentry, Kimberly Boyd, and Karren Streagle
  5. Self-Determination Assessment
  6. Colleen A. Thoma
  7. Employment Assessment
  8. Elizabeth Battaglia, Cynthia Nixon, and Ronald Tamura
  9. Post-secondary Education Assessment: Practices to Document Student Progress, Preferences, and Interests Related to Postsecondary Education and Learning
  10. Joseph Madaus, Lyman L. Dukes, III, James Martin, and Mary Morningstar
  11. Health Care Assessment
  12. Edwin Achola, Ronald Tamura, and Cynthia Nixon
  13. Community Assessment
  14. Christina C. Bartholomew and Colleen A. Thoma
  15. Making Sense of Transition Assessment Data
  16. Colleen A. Thoma and Ronald Tamura


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Caren Sax, Professor and Chair, Department of Administration, Rehabilitation, & Postsecondary Education; Co-Director, SDSU Interwork Institute, San Diego, CA - December 28, 2012
“Shed[s] light on the importance of using assessments through the lens of self-determination and person-centered thinking . . . offer[s] practical strategies that are user-friendly for individuals, their families, and the professionals who support them through this critical transition to living quality adult lives.”
Gary Clark, Professor Emeritus, University of Kansas - December 10, 2012
“The mark of a quality publication for me is to have the thought, 'I wish I had written this.' This book expands existing information on transition assessment as well as synthesizes a growing body of literature on this topic. I highly recommend it.”