Don Baily, Ph.D., RTI International, FPG Director, 1992-2006 - February 19, 2019
"This book thoughtfully and thoroughly encapsulates the remarkable history of early childhood research during the past 50 years, with special attention to the prominent contributions by researchers at the Frank Porter Graham Child Development Institute. We now have a solid understanding of the importance of the early years and the environments needed to promote healthy development. Kudos to the authors for an outstanding summary of the current state of knowledge and their insightful comments of the work that remains to be done if society is to assure that children benefit from what we know to be true!"
Samuel J. Meisels, Ed.D., Founding Executive Director, Richard D. Holland Presidential Chair in Early Childhood Development, Buffett Early Childhood Institute, University of Nebraska - February 19, 2019
"This volume demonstrates how FPG's growth and development contributed to and influenced the field's advances for the past half a century by suggesting new horizons, identifying new areas for potential impact, and creating new knowledge. Most important, the research presented in these chapters provides an exciting roadmap for the coming 50 years."
Kenneth A. Dodge, Ph.D., Pritzker Professor of Public Policy, Duke University - February 19, 2019
"This volume celebrates not only the history of the venerable Frank Porter Graham Child Development Institute but the history of the entire field of developmental science and the great strides that have been made in public support for early child care and education. Particular gems are the rich insights found in history chapters by Wasik and Bryant and by Haskins, which document the tenuous but crucial relationship between science and policy. I learned a great deal."
Jacqueline Jones, Ph.D., President/CEO, Foundation for Child Development - February 19, 2019
"With an extraordinary group of authors, this volume on early childhood research traces our past, takes a hard look at where we are, and poses challenges for the future. Hard issues such as race, linguistic and cultural diversity, funding, and teacher preparation and compensation are taken on with skill and attention to the evidence base. There could be no better acknowledgement of FPG's 50th anniversary."
Mary Louise Hemmeter, Ph.D., Professor, Department of Special Education, Peabody College, Vanderbilt University - February 19, 2019
"This book should be a seminal reading for all early childhood practitioners, family members, researchers, and policy makers for years to come. It provides a coherent and comprehensive overview of the field by highlighting critical research findings, describing model programs and practices, and explaining how these findings and practices both influence and are influenced by public policy."