A Comprehensive Educational Approach
Autism Spectrum Disorders and the SCERTS® Model
Special Education, K-12
This groundbreaking DVD on the SCERTS™ Model recognizes the core needs of children with autism spectrum disorders and builds a path toward improved communication and social-emotional abilities.
68509 978-1-55766-850-9
2004 32
Available Stock
This groundbreaking series recognizes the core needs of children with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) and builds a path toward improved communication and social-emotional abilities. Developed by leading expert Barry M. Prizant and his colleagues, the SCERTS® Model outlined in the series and accompanying booklet encourages child progress in three primary areas:
  • Social Communication
  • Emotional Regulation
  • Transactional Support
Autism Spectrum Disorders and the SCERTS® Model is available as a set of three videos or as a single convenient DVD. The first video provides a detailed overview of the SCERTS® Model, the second illustrates its application for children with more severe forms of autism who require greater degrees of support, and the third illustrates its use for children who require less support. Using this multidisciplinary model, parents, educators, and therapists will develop strong teamwork skills and learn specific goals and strategies for creating learning opportunities within daily activities for children who have ASD.

This DVD and booklet are part of The SCERT® Model, a groundbreaking framework for improving communication and social-emotional abilities in individuals with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) and their families. Developed by internationally recognized experts, SCERTS effectively supports developmental progress in three domains: Social Communication, Emotional Regulation, and Transactional Support.

Learn more about the whole SCERTS® system.


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