Paula Pittman, Ph.D.
Paula Pittman, Ph.D., Director, SKI-HI and Deaf Mentor Program Outreach, SKI-HI Institute, Utah State University, 6500 Old Main Hill, Logan, Utah 84322
Dr. Paula Pittman has been the director of SKI-HI Outreach at the SKI-HI Institute at Utah State University for 14 years and the director of the Deaf Mentor Outreach Project for 21 years. She has been a National Trainer for the SKI-HI and Deaf Mentor Outreach Projects for over 20 years. She was a creator of the Deaf Mentor Program and was involved in the development of the SKI-HI and Deaf Mentor Curriculum Manuals. She has provided direct services to infants, toddlers and children who are deaf or hard of hearing, deaf-blind, or blind/visually impaired and their families for 32 years.