Nicole Patton Terry, Ph.D.
Nicole Patton Terry, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Department of Educational
Psychology and Special Education, and Director, The Urban Child Study Center,
College of Education, Georgia State University, P.O. Box 3979, Atlanta, Georgia
Nicole Patton Terry is the coordinator of the Behavior Learning Disabilities
Program, a member of the Center for Research on Atypical Development and
Learning and the Board of Regents Initiative on Research on the Challenges
of Acquiring Language and Literacy, the director of the newly founded Urban
Child Study Center in the College of Education, and a research scientist at
Haskins Laboratories at Yale University. She is an associate editor of the American
Journal of Speech Language Pathology. Her research concerns children who
struggle with language and literacy, in particular children from culturally and
linguistically diverse backgrounds, who speak nonmainstream American English
dialects and who live in low-income
or working-class