Linda Wollesen, M.A., RN, LMFT

Linda Wollesen, M.A., RN, LMFT

Linda Wollesen, M.A., RN, LMFT

Linda Wollesen focused her career on public health nursing and collaborative community-based services to low-income and ethnically diverse families. She worked as a nursing visitor in housing projects in East Los Angeles, nursing supervisor in Santa Clara, and program manager in Santa Cruz County, all in California. Her clinical expertise included services and care coordination for children and infants who have special needs or who are in foster care. She also supervised a research replication site for the David Olds Nurse-Family Partnership in Monterey County.

Ms. Wollesen was the developer of the Life Skills Progression™ (LSP) instrument and pioneered the reliability and content work for the tool with the support of a fellowship from ZERO TO THREE: National Center for Infants, Toddlers and Families. She founded the Life Skill Outcomes, LLC, which provides LSP training and best practice consultation and developed an LSP database for use by programs using the LSP.