About the Online Materials
About the Authors
Chapter 1: An Introduction to the Life Skills Progression™ (LSP)
Chapter 2: The History of Chasing Elusive Outcomes
Chapter 3: Maternal Early Childhood Home Visitation Best Practices
Chapter 4: Development and Field Testing of the LSP
Chapter 5: Instructions for Using and Scoring the LSP
Chapter 6: Reflective Supervision Using the LSP
Chapter 7: Using the LSP to Promote Maternal Health Literacy
Sandra Smith, Ph.D.
Chapter 8: Using the LSP for Evaluation Purposes
Chapter 9: Integrating the LSP Into Sites and Systems
A Life Skills Progression™ (LSP) Instrument
B Abbreviations Used in the Life Skills Progression™ (LSP)
C Emerging Best Practice for Home Visitation Checklist
D “Better Together”: Home Visitation Community Collaboration Planning Worksheet
E LSP Data Entry Form
F Sample Scored LSP Instrument: “Selene and Jason”
G Selene & Jason’s Story (as told with the LSP)
H Cumulative LSP Score Sheet
I Sample Cumulative LSP Score Sheet: “Selene and Jason”
J LSP Instrument with Target Scores Shaded
K LSP Data Report Planning Tool
L Resources