Barbara Friedlander, M.A.
Barbara Friedlander has taught special needs and at-risk students since 1986 in an inclusive elementary classroom environment. She has been involved in a variety of written language research studies in the areas of learning disabilities and has coauthored a number of publications including Summer of Learning: The Effects of Summer Tutoring for Students with Learning Disabilities (Division of Learning Disabilities Times, 1997) and Incorporating Strategy Instruction within the Writing Process in the Regular Classroom: Effects on the Writing of Students with and without Leaning Disabilities (Journal of Reading Behavior, 1993). Ms. Friedlander has received numerous awards including the Shaklee Outstanding Special Educator Award, the Council for Exceptional Children Allyn Bacon Exemplary Program Award and Grant, the Baltimore Area Committee on Student Teaching Outstanding Cooperative Teacher Award, the Montgomery County Public Schools Educational Foundation Grant for Parent Training, the University of Maryland Alumni Award, and the Maryland Association of Supervision and Curriculum Development Judith Ruchkin Research Award.