Gina R. Kuperberg, M.D., Ph.D.
Gina R. Kuperberg, Ph.D., Director, NeuroCognition Laboratory, Department
of Psychology, Tufts University, 490 Boston Avenue, Medford, MA
02155; and Director, Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging and the Department
of Psychiatry, Massachusetts General Hospital (East), Harvard
Medical School, Psychiatry CNY-2, Building 149, 13th Street, Room 2629,
Charlestown, MA 02129.
Dr. Kuperberg directs the NeuroCognition Laboratory, which spans the
Department of Psychology, Tufts University, and the Martinos Center for
Biomedical Imaging and the Department of Psychiatry at Massachusetts
General Hospital, Harvard Medical School. Her lab studies the neural basis
of normal and abnormal language processing using multimodal neuroimaging