Gary Greene, Ph.D.
Gary Greene, Ph.D., Professor, California State University, Long Beach, 1250 Bellflower Boulevard, Long Beach, California 90840
Dr. Greene is a tenured full professor of special education at California State University, Long Beach, where he trains public school special education teachers in how to accommodate youth with special needs in general and special education classrooms. He also works as a special education consultant for the U.S. Department of State, Division of Overseas Schools. Dr. Greene has traveled extensively throughout the world conducting international school site reviews, as well special education teacher and parent trainings. He has been teaching and supervising classroom teachers since the mid-1980s.
Dr. Greene has a strong background in teaching youth with disabilities, having worked as a resource specialist for 10 years in the public schools with children with learning disabilities. He has teaching credentials in both general and special education, a bachelor's degree in psychology from University of California, Los Angeles, a master's degree in special education from the University of Southern California, and a doctoral degree in special education from the University of California, Riverside. He also holds an administrative services credential. Dr. Greene has an extensive list of publications and has conducted numerous local, state, national, and international presentations on a variety of subjects related to special education. In 2003, he coauthored a college textbook on the topic of transition of youth with disabilities from school to quality adult life titled Pathways to Successful Transition for Youth with Disabilities (with Carol A. Kochhar-Bryant, Merrill-Prentice Hall). A second edition of that book was published in 2009 titled Pathways to Successful Transition for Youth with Disabilities: A Developmental Approach (Merrill/Pearson).